The Walking Eagle thread

Trump has claimed on Truth Social the Presidential Records Act allows him to keep the documents. He keeps citing the Presidential Records Act. The act pretty clearly states the opposite, that it is the government not the person who owns presidential records, regardless of their classification.

As I was reading this, I laughed and mockingly imagined a MAGA saying “but its called the Presidential Records Act, not the Government Records Act.” I then went on Twitter and saw that very comment within about 3 minutes of scrolling.



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Never underestimate their abject stupidity.

Edit: On a more serious note , do you think it possible that Aileen Cannon will actually be the trial judge ?

What would it take for these people to realise what a devious, lying, corrupt character he is?

Never unfortunately. Everything is “fake” and designed accordingly. I dont know how you come back from where we are right now. Conspiracy theorists and the like are running riot.


For his core, I doubt there is anything that could do it.

If he is jailed then he’ll be the victim of a witch hunt. If he burns an American flag while eating a bald headed eagle and shitting on the actual constitution then he’ll be advocating for their personal freedoms.

He could run as a Democrat and still get the votes from those people as they’ll convince themselves he’s doing it to dismantle the party from the inside.

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They already know it , and either don’t care , or they actually find it impressive. As long as he’s sticking it to the left and wailing about the deep state they couldn’t give a fuck.


One thing Trump and his enablers have done very well is to impugn everyone. When everyone is perceived to be a criminal no crimes really matter.

This is also a really nice articulation of the issue

Trump didnt create this. But he sure weaponized it to degrees the people before him didnt appreciate the establishment would let you get away with.

Fuck sake. That would be awful. You have to assume someone so buttoned up as Smith has a play there though and isnt just rolling the dice.

We are not a serious country

Do they understand that Crossing the Rubicon does not refer to Brutus stabbing Caesar?

Republicans argue “if you prosecute one of us for our crimes, you will force us to fabricate scandals and investigations as retribution, you know, the thing we already routinely do.”


So, an ex president takes piles of sensitive classified documents home and dumps them in his bathroom and that’s ok? That’s not worth investigating or prosecuting?
But somehow Clinton should be locked up for using the wrong email account?
Don’t any of them have a sense of irony?

Half of them don’t and the other half doesn’t care. It’s just about doing or saying anything to be in power.

LOL. of course they don’t

He had nuclear secrets that would be worth $$$ to various foreign adversaries.
He also had details of a possible attack on Iran, which again would be worth $$$.
And who knows what else?

Everything is for sale in Trump world. He is loyal only to himself.

The irony of it is reporting from last claimed it was something Trump forced Milly to draft. So, not indicative of any actual thoughts of going after Iran, but, assuming Milly did the assignment and didnt just phone it in, is representative of what we would do. And that is probably more valuable and damaging for it to get out.

It looks like she’s got it.

Maybe in light of the fact her last performance was universally panned she won’t make shit up this time?