The Walking Eagle thread

I think it’s becoming apparent to anyone following this case (not least himself) that the only way Trump is going to avoid a prison sentence is by him , or another Republican , winning in 2024.

Even by his own standards , that Fox interview was catastrophic. And yesterday also DOJ turned over all its evidence to his team , already under a ruling not to divulge any of it. What’s the chances of that blurt being able to restrain himself ?

I’ve been really drunk twice since Sunday, am still fuzzy as hell…

Is that interview the one where the ‘classified documents’ were actually just ‘articles’?

It’s the one where he said he didnt have time to return the nuclear documents as asked because they were mixed in with his personal possessions, things like newspaper and t shirts, and he didnt want to give those things back and he was too busy to take the time to sort them as needed.

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When he was running through the list of things he claimed were also in the boxes it actually reminded me of his (in)famous ‘person , man , woman , camera , tv’ cognitive test bragging.

In case anyone has forgotten just how funny that was ;

Take him out

On top of reporting that Smith has multiple Secret Service guys coming before his Jan 6th grand jury, multiple places are now reporting he has a witness who was at the Willard who has agreed to flip

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That sounds significant , and if it’s true about Meadows too (who was also at the Willard) then Trump really is looking down the barrel.

When my eleven yr old was younger she used to call Trump ‘President Caca’. I always did like that nickname , and here we have him once again living upto it.

Speaking at an event the other day , President Caca was complaining to the Federation of Republican Women about the push for electric appliances and accused Democrats of a plot to “take away” washing machines and clothes dryers.

“It’s so destructive,” he lamented. “All electric, all-electric everything. Now they want to take away your gas stoves. Does anybody like gas better? You cook a lot more than I do.”

“But they want to take it away,” Caca continued. “They want to take away your washing machines and your dryers. They don’t want to give you any water for the washing machine. Even though you have so much water, you don’t know what the hell to do with it up here. It flows out into the ocean.”

Seeing is believing.

He is so embarrassingly stupid

If you were a teacher of a 10 year old who tried to talk their way out of an accusation like this you’d go home and tell your spouse the kid was dumb.

I do like the fact though that argument 4 (I didn’t see the recording…“see” the recording) is contradicted as quickly as argument 6 (you could hear the papers).


“Does anybody really believe that the COCAINE found in the West Wing of the White House, very close to the Oval Office, is for the use of anyone other than Hunter & Joe Biden,”

Trump posted on his Truth Social platform on Wednesday.

Sure, it’s just a typical father son bonding exercise

It goes so well with Adrenochrome

At least neither Joe or Hunter have shat themselves on Marine One.

Swings & Roundabouts

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Saw Trump projecting on Truth Social last night about witch hunts, which raised the prosepct of something new happening. Then…

Trump has been informed that he is a target of the Jan6 investigation

Hopefully something significant sticks to him and disqualifies him from potentially becoming President.

The quantity of attempts to hold him to account is minuscule compared to the amount of lawbreaking he deals in.

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Maddow did an interview the other week with the 3 Maryland State Attorneys who led the investigation into Spiro Agnew that ultimately led him to resign from the vice presidency. The deal they struck was that he would step down and the charges would be dropped. Interestingly the deal didnt mention anything about the deal also baring him from running for office in the future. To them at the time the idea was so absurd that someone could be forced to resign in shame the way Agnew was and ever be viable again that it was just an unstated agreement among all parties.

That is obviously different today so it was interesting listening to them address that issue regarding trump. They were unanimous that no such offer should be presented to Trump because they have doubt he’d violate it and push us further towards a constitutional crisis

…have no doubt?

Just when you think it couldn’t get any stranger…