The Walking Eagle thread

Fairly long but well worth it. Some real nuggets in here as well as a dissection of the Trump psyche.


There was a “leak” of DeSantis’ debate strategy last week and it explicitly ruled out attacking Trump. There was a strategy attributed to some unnamed people in his camp of running to bolster a clear second place behind trump with the expectations that Trump’s legal issues would prevent him taking the nomination. This seems to support that.

As for Trump, as long as the party doesnt make participating a requirement of getting their nomination, which they should, it would be a no win situation for him to participate. The way the press cover him his absence, and what ever he chooses to do instead, is going to take up as much coverage as debate itself and so he’s robbing people an opportunity to do something to gain ground on him. I cannot believe the party is letting him get away with it though (lol, of course I can believe it)

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The quicker Trump goes away… The quicker we can all return to normal, without headlines, clickbait, and every other infantile remark dominating everything we seem to read - Although, I’m all in when someone wants to fight fire with fire with him in the playground

George Conway has some bad news for Donald Trump (

Hopefully, but I fear it’s putting too much faith in humanity.

Ultimately, if we don’t fall for the bait, then Trump goes away quicker.

What is normal though? To the degree that much of Trumpism is a continuation of mainstream Republican politics, just made more vulgar, we need to be vigilant against the idea that him fucking off is all that is required for his ideas to disappear.


He won’t just go away though of his own volition. And he’s already said that a conviction wouldn’t put an end to him campaigning , and we need to remember that his announcement to run so early was actually an attempt to intimidate DOJ into not charging him in the first place. Well that didn’t work out so well for him , which brings us to where we are now.

As touched on earlier , the strategy of his primary opponents is to hold their fire and hope that the sheer weight of 91 indictments in four separate jurisdictions will eventually prove to much to bear and that he will succumb , retire from the race and focus on his defence instead. The problem with that strategy is that he actually sees his best defence as winning re-election so he can make the charges go away. (Although not in Georgia still.)

There’s also been speculation that he might be offered some kind of deal whereby he’s guaranteed not to serve a day in prison as long as he drops out of the race and promises never to run again. Even if this was a thing , would anybody really trust him to stick to his part of the bargain ?

At this moment in time , he is the presumptive nominee , and regardless of any convictions that might be handed down before the election (which he will inevitably decry as miscarriages of justice and send to appeal) he will be Biden’s opponent in 2024 , unless perhaps his poll numbers drop to such an alarming extent that the GOP are finally forced to engineer a way to disbar him.

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My concern is he will be the next President. The wheels of Justice move too slowly, and my considered opinion, living here and observing it for years, is that he very much IS above the law.

He ran on two big things first time around. Build the wall (and get Mexico to pay for it). And implement a great health plan to replace Obamacare.

Fail and fail. But it didn’t matter. He’s a grifter, and he set a narrative that had them storming the castle on January 6th.

All that will be the warm up act, now that he knows how to move the levers of power more adeptly. His first term will just be the apprentice term for what comes next.


You missed the big one - using the power of the government to prosecute his political enemies…“lock her up lock her up”

14th amendment conversations appear to be gaining steam and CREW have announced they will be litigating the issue in state courts. Newsome appears pretty on board with the idea of removing him from the ballott in CA, which while it will have no EC implications will be the push to get that ball rolling enough to get this in front of the Federal Supreme Court next summer.

Saw a poll among Trump voters. Apparently they trust Trump more than their family and friends to tell them the truth. Hilariously sad.

It’s like some cult, where they have all been brainwashed.


The deplorables.

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OOoff, this is bad.

The most relevant details start maybe 5 or 6 tweets in. The backdrop to this is that Trump has a history of funding his codefendant’s legal cases as a way of keeping everyone on the same page to limit the prospect of someone giving incriminating testimony against him. It requires legal misconduct by putting the interests of the person paying the bills ahead of their client, but then these are people representing Trump.

In this case the IT guy from MaL was in this situation. Initial suggestions from the DoJ to address the conflict of interest over his representation were ignored (the DoJ cannot force anyone’s hand), but they have no shown him to have perjured himself in his initial Grand Jury testimony. In pursuing that they have got him to find new representation and has gone in and amended his testimony. In short he was caught covering for Trump, doing so under duress and has now been convinced to flipped. Not only is the testimony likely very damaging to Trump’s case, but this will be able to be used to support the obstruction part of the case.

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Cannon could rule the IT guy’s evidence inadmissible , if she’s so minded.

Funniest Mugshots I’ve Seen Today :0)


A dose of reality for those who are swallowing the narrative that the indictments are good news for him , and somehow believe that once we get to a general election he’s got a hope in hell of convincing the wider electorate to vote for him.

This thread is killing me…215 lbs


I think the 215 pounds refers only to what his head weighs.

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As pleasant as that is to read, it is notable that this was not limited to the demo who will determine if he is the GOP nominee. Once that happens all of a sudden there will be a sheen of legitimacy thrown over him with an entire party falling in line and a media totally incapable of treating the situation as it is.

I guess a lot depends on whether we get a conviction before the election or not. If we do , does the law and order party really throw their lot in with a guy convicted of trying to overthrow democracy ? I don’t see myself how they can hold that line.