The Walking Eagle thread

On the face of it this could pose another serious threat to Trump’s chances of becoming President. Could easily see this coming up before the Supreme Court before Nov 24.

Freed article here:

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Fani Willis’ investigation in Georgia has been reported to have turned its focus to a break of the voting systems in Coffee county a couple of days before the Jan 6th riot. They had allegedly received testimony that a plan to do this very thing was discussed prior to the event with Trump in Dec. Reporting this morning that they think they have now connected the dots.

They have evidence of a coffee county election official inviting trump team officials to work with her to carry out the plan, and evidence of communication among the trump team coordinating it.

This is potentially the biggest of the lot and puts the Georgia case well beyond the “find my 11000 more votes” phone call.


Sorry LS, can you explain this a bit more?

In the period between the election being called and Biden being inaugurated, they used information from an election official to illegally gain access to the voting system in a heavy trump county. The presumed intention was to launder cherry picked bits of it to advance a public argument of there having been voter fraud to then justify delaying the official certification of the vote.

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All this is doing so far is getting him more and more campaign donations

“Georgia prosecutor Fani Willis first launched an investigation in February 2021”

Confused Tom Hanks GIF

It’s quite an insight into the minds of democrats and republicans. For one, any news is good news and for the other any news is bad news. It’s seems as though democrats or independents are far more likely to not vote (or vote republican) at the slightest up tick in news around a democrat candidate, whereas for the republican candidates and their voters, it’s like pigs in poo.

Timing is everything.

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Guy says Donald Trump was staring back at him from his BBQ pork steak :0)

In his own words (Posted on Truth Social yesterday) ;

“Failed D.A. Fani Willis, who has allowed Atlanta (Fulton County) to become a record setting Murder and Violent Crime War Zone, with almost no retribution, shockingly Indicted your favorite President, me, for a PERFECT PHONE CALL. She is bad for America!”

He later added ; “I easily won the Great State of Georgia in 2016, did a fantastic job, as President, for Georgia and the entire USA, received 10 Million more votes than I got, nationwide, in 2016, got by far the most votes in history for a sitting President, but shockingly, ‘LOST’ Georgia. All this despite winning nearby Alabama and South Carolina in Record Setting Landslides. Why did Georgia officials agree to, and sign, the one sided Consent Decree? Does anybody really believe I lost Georgia? I DON’T!”

He can’t leave it alone. He can’t keep his yapper shut. If the rule of law exists, then all these public comments that he keeps making should be punished too.

He is influencing the legal process while it is unfolding, real time.


This guy is unpalatable on so many levels… a real cancer. Fingers crossed that the judges who are out for him will ultimately get him, and more crucially, hinder him to run for the presidency.

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Surely the judges just make decisions based on the evidence. You might argue that prosecutors are “out for him”, but even they have to create a solid case. The idea that judges are “out for him” is straight from the MAGA playbook.

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Any other person engaging in this type of obstruction and witness intimidation , and already in clear breach of (at least) one judge’s bail conditions , would have already found themselves subject to a gag order or even held in custody. The first real stress test of the judicial system in the face of his non-compliance is surely imminent.


Not to be picky, but being picky nonetheless, is this not the issue in America - where judges are picked along party lines…

Yeah you are right, I should have formulated this differently. It’s just that the amount of evidence in this case must be bloody obvious to any impartial judge.

Another reminder here of just how dangerous this cunt is.


So he’s not going to take part in the Republican debates?

Perhaps the smart move for him as it decreases the opportunity for fellow Republicans to round on him.

It’s one thing for the Democrats to call him out because his voters will believe him when he says they are lying, but it makes it more difficult to deliver that line when it’s fellow Republicans.

Of course his base will vote for him whatever he does or doesn’t do.

The thing is though that apart from Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson , none of the other candidates dare to criticise him because of the inevitable blowback they’ll get from his base. We’ve now got this almost surreal contest where his supposed challengers and critics are actively defending him in the face of his indictments , when they should be burying him.

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