The Walking Eagle thread

After Trump’s unexpected court appearance yesterday in NY in the civil fraud trial , Marcy Wheeler explains how the whole pantomime works and how Trump is still manipulating the media , who really should have wised up to this game by now.

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Jack Smith’s office has filed a new motion in the documents case saying that it is ready to demonstrate what Trump’s motivations for withholding them were and what he intended to do with them. This isnt necessary to convict him on a sentence that comes with jail time (ignoring the complexity of jailing a former president), but if this is part of their case it absolutely strengthens their case. Furthermore, I dont see why they would include this in the case if they were just going to argue the pack rat, or he’s stupid arguments some of his defenders have forwarded. It seems to me you’d only go down this route if you were arguing that he intended to disseminate the information, and if they do that this suddenly becomes an even more serious case for Trump.


I heard this a couple of days ago. Very big news that kinda blows a hole in the narrative that it was all just some innocent mistake.

Turns out that you can indeed polish a turd and make it appear even more like a turd. “ Turdier” if you will.

He’s a KGB asset


An unwitting one at that … which makes it even worse really.

They told him to stay away…he went over anyway :rofl:

The fascinating story behind how an Australian businessman bought his way into Trump’s confidence.

No need to get behind the paywall (hopefully), it’s a gift ! :slight_smile:

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Idiot (black swan) savant - it is what the assessment was before he was elected….

And he’s a much bigger douche than his dad (the source of his wealth) who was called Dick Pratt. Almost on par with Dick Head (footballer) - Wikipedia

Only in Straya.

This man is such a moron

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FFS, had to play the video to make sure the text wasn’t satire. We’re a species racing towards our own extinction aren’t we. :see_no_evil:

This is the drawback to removing the filter between the brain and mouth

And just in case anyone hadn’t heard President Shit Fer Brains recite ‘The Snake’ before (I hadn’t) , here he is doing it in Iowa a month ago. :open_mouth:

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Two things I love about him is he still doesn’t know how to spell choking (always chocking) or stolen (stollen). And he doesnt care and uses them ALL THE TIME

You complain about a stollen election (sounds nice) once and someone tells you that people think you’re taking a voting for your favourite bakery item and you’d think a person would commit to never making the mistake again. Not him. Fucking Stollens everywhere.

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Mrs SBYM is half German and loves Stollen.

It fuxkinf stinks, if you ask me.

Not enough marzipan if you ask me :rofl:

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