The Walking Eagle thread

Fucking shit cunt TAN app, won’t spell check.

I may have been drinking whisky.

Dont talk about Mrs SBYM like that. She has all the Marzipan a good woman needs

Who said she’s a good woman?

Can everyone STFU?

I’m listening to Donald recite ‘The Snake.’

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His cadence makes me want to blow my brains out.

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Or you’re asleep again…

Me and the missus were laughing like fuck about it just the other night.

I’m at the stage now where even the sound of his voice makes me gag.

Please, whoever has the power, make it stop!

Why the big news about Mark Meadows’ immunity deal with Jack Smith might , or might not , be so consequential as it first appeared to be. A very good analysis here for the layman.

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Some really interesting stuff in this piece.

Freed article here if you can’t view it :

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His government will invest in flying cars and build “freedom cities” on empty federal land, where Americans can live and work without burdensome regulations.

And yet some idiots will still vote for this basket case.


I’m losing my shit at the moment with the raft of “this is what a second trump term would look like” pieces. They all try to sound the alarm by listing of agenda items that are anti-democratic, anti-national security, pro-oligarch, but in their desperation to look balanced refuse to point out these were all features of his actual first administration we’re all still fighting the effects of.


Unless you have unlimited amounts of shit to lose, I’d recommend losing your shit about him rather than those who are warning about him. The point being made is that he’s a lot better prepared this time and capable of so much worse.
It’s all a giant shitshow that just gets worse and worse.

It’s so frustrating. Biden is old and uninspiring. When you get old and past it, it happens quite suddenly. You can be relatively old, but still doing your job in politics, but then all of a sudden you are staring off into the middle distance like Mitch McConnell.

Biden isn’t there yet, but he’s on that sort of path, and it is such a shame to me that the Dems haven’t put someone else forth. They still might. By the time the vote for President goes down it will be another year, and that will be a long time in Biden’s likely remaining productive time.

It will be a long time in Trump’s remaining productive lifespan too, for that matter, and his age and frailty needs to become more of a story.

My fear is none of it matters. Insurrection? No problem. Business Empire built up fraudulently and a huge fine incoming? It’s a political witch hunt. Trying to steal an election? It matters not one jot to his supporters. So many more things - impeachments, sexual assaults, and on it goes.

There has been enough scandal around Trump that it would have sunk 10x politicians in a normal sort of time, but what we’ve had for some years is different.

The politicians couldn’t disqualify Trump via two impeachments. So far the courts have been unable to disqualify him, though there remains an outside chance there, but I’m not hopeful. It will probably be down to the people to say no at the ballot box.

Will they say no? Will enough of them stop the madness?

I’m not hopeful.

I do wonder if a real nomination challenge might come about. While the underlying cause would be completely different, the dynamic could play out very similarly to 1968. Early primaries reveal a discontent and don’t deliver the President a resounding mandate, which then pulls stronger challengers forward into the race.

One major difference though is Biden is where he is because the field was so weak 5 years ago, and it doesn’t appear much stronger now

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What primaries? Marian Williamson and a man no one has ever heard of, whose campaign is being run by Bush Republicans, financed by Harlan Crowe, and which started too late to even get on all the early state ballots?

This conversation was always going to occur, but the time for the party to address it was months ago. There was a WIDE lane for someone popular and Biden aligned to run a soft campaign that didnt run against him, that even was run in a way highlighting the good job he has done, but run meerely to give voters an option if they were concerned about his age. It neednt have hurt him, and if done right could have even raised the profile of the person doing it…hell even saw them replace Kamala as VP. But the time for that was 6 months ago.

Like it or not, unless he becomes unfit he will be the nominee. And while his age is relevant, any conversation around it has to balance that against the fact he does have a record to run on. That does not negate the concern raised by @RedOverTheWater that once someone starts declining they can go quickly, but it’s at least a relevant counter. More the point though, of the two candidates, it is the other guy who appears more slowed and affected by his advanced age.

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Trump is turning the trial into a real shitshow , quelle surprise.

“Judge Engoron again asks Kise to control Trump and says that if he cannot, the judge will excuse him and draw negative inferences, which would be very bad for the former president’s case. Kise is responding that he thinks that the judge should want to hear from this witness. The judge disagrees, saying much of it is irrelevant.”