The Walking Eagle thread

Completely irrelevant, but I never actually remember or think of Gordon Brown as having been PM. More like a caretaker manager who didn’t quite count.

Conceivably (but not guaranteed) the only criminal trial that Trump is likely to face this side of the 2024 Election is the one in DC where he is charged with trying to overturn the 2020 Election results. Here’s a pretty good look at how it might play out. (Free to read.)

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Interesting. The difficulties of having the PMship ‘handed over’ to you. Surely after the calamities that followed him Brown (whatever you think of his policies or politics) seems incredibly like a haute statesman?

Gordon Brown texture like sun

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Ok, this is spicy

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There is very little that is redeeming about anyone who worked in the Trump administration, but this burn against the man Trump tried to install as AG specifically because of his willingness to help him stay in power is amazing

Oh, and then there’s this……


A fraction of what he most likely received.

’ After Republicans took over the House last year, the oversight committee stopped requiring those documents. A US district court ended litigation on the matter. Mazars did not provide documents regarding at least 80% of Trump’s business entities, Democrats said on Thursday.’

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For those of you still scratching your heads at just how he does what he does , and still gets away with it , here’s a peek into his MO as far as bringing the GOP to heel goes ;

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Further confirmation, if any were needed, that the man is a complete nob of the highest order.

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On revelations that Trump earned $8m from the Chinese government through his hotel while president, a blatant violation of the emoluments clause, his response was to say “I didnt get that money for nothing. I did a lot of work to earn that.”

That is not the defense you think it is, sir. :joy: :see_no_evil:

This is also objectively very funny

“oh, here we go. We’re gonna do business now.” :joy:

For fear of having the system yell at me for making too many posts, this is the perfect response to any of the criticisms we keep saying about how any attempt to do anything about Trump legally or constitutionally is bad for the country. These are the people who ahve created this situation and is why legal and constitutional moves are necessary

Unless you’ve quoted someone you’ve done him a service - far too polite, even accounting for stylistic moment.

I heard an interview from him recently, in which he called the EU ‘foes to the US’, because of the way they were treating the US economically. :see_no_evil:

How is the EU treating the US economically?

Without knowing, my guess would be via an equitable trade arrangement, rather than allowing itself to be walked all over.

But I don’t know what he’s talking about!

Oh, and on that note, he’s obviously a buffoon, but a very dangerous one. And the initial impression from years ago, that the Russians must have kompromat on him, and he has been their agent/useful idiot, continues to ring true.

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Neither does he. It’s just his reflexive antagonism…that unless one party is hurting the other party cannot have benefited

A few weeks ago I listened to a really interesting series of interviews with a guy called John Skipper who ran ESPN in the 10s and before that was responsible for the major broadcast rights deals. This was the period of their peak commercial success and power. During this period it was the #1 money maker for the Disney Corp, even during the height of Marvel’s success.

His view was that an entity like ESPN has so much more to offer a rights partner than just money and he approached all his negotiations like that. He didnt need to pay as much as other companies did because he could convince people of the value of partnering with them, but that also mean he could afford to pay more than anyone else if he needed to because ESPN would make the partnership work well enough that the rights would pay for themselves. The perspective was pretty clearly articulated that you only need to view as negotiation as having a winner and loser if you are brining no value to the table other than money, or you’re an idiot. They never mentioned Trump directly in the conversation, but the context (the main criticism of his time at ESPN was he allowed the network to become too political…read liberal, and he was talking to a cuban american former ESPN anchor who left the network over blow back to his criticism of the “kids in cages”) made it pretty clear it was a shot at Trump.

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Johnson is off his meds….

Getting 1m pound a year apparently for tossing off this shite.

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It’s incredible to think the prick is right back where he started , spouting crap in a right wing rag for the little Englanders. It’s almost as if his political career never happened , and if it hadn’t of been such an unmitigated disaster we might even have been able to forget all about him.

Why can’t they just fuck off into obscurity , him , Cameron and the rest of the them , so we can all pretend it was just a bad dream.