The Walking Eagle thread

The fact the question needs to be asked is such an enormous red flag for Trump’s candidacy. He would not pass a background check to get to work in his own administration with these debts, yet here we are only weeks away from the DNI being expected to start offering him the intelligence briefings that have become standard for party nominees in the lead up to the election.

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The only sensible action here for the good of democracy is a ‘black op’.

But then you make him a martyr and whoever replaces him wins in a landslide.

May be take out Biden?

Should add - taking out anyone (unless it for a meal or some such) should never be a thing.

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Why not have both declaired mentally incompetant and unfit for office?

Who would want to be Trump’s lawyer? Not only does this torpedo his case to set aside the bond requirement, it actually puts his attorney in some jeopardy even making the argument. It is yet another example of his propensity for making boneheaded mistakes when his ego is threatened.

Do we remember the conversation from 2016 about the need for Trump to divest from his business interests to run for president and the promise it would happen. And then it just didnt happen and he used his role as president to suck money, often from foreign governments, into his companies? I guess we have just given up on the COI of a president having business interests being relevant

DWAC is a special purpose acquisition company, an investment fund put together for the purpose of acquiring a private company and taking them public. DWAC has long been in the process of trying to do this with Trump Media/Truth Social, but the deal looks crooked as fuck, no one understands where the value is for DWAC, and is under multiple investigations. But if it happens Trump stake has been valued at possibly over a billion, so most analysts believe he NEEDS this to happen.

It now very much appears that big investors in DWAC are using the acquisition as leverage to get political favours out of Trump. Yass, the man cited in this tweet, was the man reported to have turned Trump 180 last week on Tik Tok (of which he owns a significant stake), but it was uncertain what Trump was getting out it. Now we appear to know.


There was a time, long ago, when sunbeds were not invented…

Sun bed? Pretty sure he is spray tan kind of guy

Industrial grade


“I made an offer everyone refused.”

  • Don Poorleone

‘They laughed , they laughed.’ - Eric Trump on Fox yesterday explaining the reaction of insurance executives who were being asked to stump up half a billion to a guy who doesn’t pay his bills and needs the money to stay a judgement against the same insurance companies that he’s just been found guilty of defrauding.


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Today is the day the $450m bond is due.

Remember though putting up a bond is not the same thing as paying the penalty. It is a way to defer paying the penalty subject to appeal. All it requires is a financial commitment sufficient to cover the penalty should the appeal not be successful. Critically it does not need to be cash. Assets of sufficient value are acceptable, meaning if he had a property worth $500m he doesnt need to raise that money from a sale to “pay” the bond, he could just put up the title. Weird that a property magnate from NYC doesn’t own enough real estate to cover the bond.


Are you sure he can just put up the title? In the normal course, the surety has to be a financial instrument, and the difficulty of obtaining that has been the main arguments his lawyers were making (at least until he announced loudly he has $500M of cash)

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That might not be the right terminology, but James has been explicit in saying she does not need him to liquidate whatever asset(s) he wants to use. His lawyers are arguing that selling his assets is unreasonably injurious, which suggests something different but his legal defenses have repeatedly been legal nonsense more aimed at the getting a message to the public than actual legal arguments. That would probably explain the disconnect

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Appeals court have dropped the figure to $175m according to the FT

Do they say on what grounds?

Just want to say, in case anyone is not clear, that is the bond amount.

The full fine is applicable, pending appeal. The new bond keeps the wolves away from the door during the appeal process. If the appeal loses, he is still liable for the full judgment.

Shorthand for " Fuck what you say , we’ll find another judge who will give us what we want."