The What's cooking thread

Chicken Tikka Masala?

This video always makes me laugh :0)

Tried this years ago. Failedā€¦. I stupidly started eating when it arrived, temp was very hot so had to sip it. Should have waited for it to cool a bit then gulp it quickly.

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I think I can finish the noodles. Trying the broth will lead me to admit myself into a hospital.

Why treat food as a challenge ?

Deep fried Mars Bar.

Shitty article.

  1. Overcooking Garlic - well , depends on when you add garlic to the curry
  2. Not diluting tomato puree - FFS , why use puree when you can use tomatoes and cook them down
  3. Boiling instead of Frying - well , duh , cooking any curry involves a fair bit and more of searing before reducing the heat and leaving it to simmer. Shit article again
  4. Cooking on too low a heat - again false, Indians evolved to making curries because their traditional methods of getting fire (before LPG) had too less heat production to cook anything other than slow cooking.
  5. Under seasoning - talking about the obvious
  6. Using old spices - well refer above
  7. Adding too much chilli - again obvious
  8. Not adding enough chilli - again obvious
  9. Not using base gravy - worst possible thing in this article , Indian food isnā€™t what is served in restaurants as a quick service meal.

and then finally this

12. Taking Too Long

"Any recipe that has you simmering curry for 20 minutes has missed the point.

Let me ask you something.

Do you honestly believe that Indian takeaways only manage to knock out 3 curries an hour?

Good curry should take no longer than 10 minutes from start to finish. And thatā€™s a maximum. Iā€™d say 5 minutes is more realistic."

Pretty clear that the idiot has had little to no experience in cooking Indian food.


Scotch bonnet is a staple for Trinidadian food, very flavourful.

hence why I use it for my jerk chicken marinade.

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Since we are talking heat, I went to a chicken place for lunch recently, and they do chicken tenders in various levels of spiced coating. The highest was a Carolina Reaper sauce.

I got a sampler platter, 1-5, with the Carolina Reaper 5.

1 Fine
2 No problem, zingy, but tasty
3 Probably my limit to eat and enjoy
4 Too hot for me, took a big biteā€¦ nope
5 Had to give it a go. In a group, so I took a bite of the chicken with loads of the Carolina Reaper sauce smeared on it. Holy shitballs! No no no no. Abort abort abort. WAY too hot. Lips tingled, stomach upset, nose running, eyes streaming. Etc.

People who eat that stuff and enjoy it, hats off!

Iā€™m just not sure as to whether itā€™s worth it. In the long run

The competitive nature of humans.
Absolute fucking stupidity.


I eat hot food because I enjoy it. Nothing else to it.

It can also be beneficial: my local curry house ran a promotion a few years ago where if you ate their hottest curry, your entire table (up to four people) had your meal (drinks excluded) free of charge. I went with my ex and her parents, and licked the plate clean.

We went back a couple of weeks later, and the restaurant obviously saw me and chucked everything they had into the curry- again, I polished it off.

Third visit? As soon as I walked in, they told me that I was barred from the challenge.

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But you enjoy the food.
Thats the difference.
You are not really competing if you enjoy it and get benefits

Chillies also have a wide range of health benefits. :slight_smile:


Wanting more / better than your neighbours is what drives humanity forwards. If we were all happy with our lot and at peace with the planet, weā€™d still be hunter gatherers. Some would say thatā€™s a good thing.

Competition put a man on the moon, not peaceful co-existence.

Had a chilli at a restaurant in Ambleside once. There was a warning on the menu saying effectively ā€œItā€™s seriously fucking hotā€ Red rag to a bull for young stupid me. Ate half of it and gave up and the staff laughed at me. Fair enough. The waitress came back (after I asked her if anybody ever finished it) with a folder of letters of thanks and gratitude for a proper chilli. Several of them were from doctors who recommended patients to them with digestive complaints.

Told a mate of mine this story and the 4 of us went back a few months later. He finished it, I had a pizza :wink: Sadly gone now but epic heat.


In a world where people starve, eating competitions are no measure of wanting more than our neighbours.

My comment is on this ā€œcompetition typeā€ being stupid.
Not sure how you got that to putting a man on the moon.


I abhor Man vs Food and its ilk for exactly the reason you mention. The amount of wastage on such programmes is ridiculous, especially when there are probably people living on the breadline less than a hundred yards from where the programme is being filmed.

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Because you literally said the competitive nature of humans is utter stupidity.