Those jammy fuckers down the M62

Here’s a sample of Fernandes’ leadership:

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This kind of behaviour is encouraged from the top, it doesn’t happen out of the blue. Notice Martinez’s recent “tackle” on Saka, and Gore also got a straight red in this match.

Ten Haag is breeding a bunch of thugs. More than they usually are.

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Erik thug Hag?

Erik dick-head Hag.

Haven’t seen the incident but Mullin was at our academy for a while.

There’s no excuse for a tackle like this happening in any match though leave alone a pre season friendly.

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ManU fans complaining about Parkinson’s ‘reckless comments’. That tackle deserved a beating and a couple of teeth knocked out.


Yet it is exactly the sort of challenge keepers get away with over and over and over again. As I say every few weeks, it is one of the biggest blind spots in football. The yellow card he got had nothing to do with how dangerous and late the challenge was, only that is pulled a player down in a dangerous position.


Heartily agree - keepers merit protecting from contact, but far too many now abuse that protection to initiate contact that would be a straight red anywhere else on the field.


Bruno is their new captain after all, they have no shame.

Wait till we do them over handsomely yet again.


One reason why Mane shouldn’t have been sent off with ynsh challenge against ederson.


It’s a controversial take, but it is one I argued at the time. Regardless of what Mane did with his foot, Ederson’s flying full body challenge meant a big collision was inevitable. That is a major consideration ref’s are supposed to apply in how they judge these incidents, but Mane’s foot took the focus away from that part of the incident


Ederson in all probability would have gotten a sending off had he clattered into Mane if Mane hadnt raised his foot.

That incompetent twat Jonathan Moss was the referee, nuff 'said … :face_vomiting:

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He has a punctured lung! What the actual fuck!

Brighton keeper wiping out Diaz. T-Rex ruining VVD’s knee…no red cards


Typically it’s caused by a broken rib

Trying to emulate Schumacher on Battiston

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Yeah nah…

I’m not vibing on the hairdo…

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Finally saw linkable video of that Wrexham friendly challenge. It really is absolutely shocking, no real attempt to play the ball at all.