UEFA Champions League 2020-21

Qatar is a (far) lesser evil than KSA-UAE axis and I do sometimes find myself sympathizing with them. Frankly, I don’t think I will even watch any of the remaining games. Now I’m more interested with Europa League.

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Said nobody. Ever.

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Oh come on, Roma and Villarreal are interesting :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m sure I’ve got some paint needing to dry.

Or some grass to grow :rofl:

I know. I am not just saying it, but i found the Qatari people far more generous, helpful and welcoming to most foreigners.
The Emiratees were far too snooty and they looked down on certain people.

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I will definitely watch Europa league. I love watching European teams. This tournament, in my view is also very important.

Perhaps it’s a matter of grass being greener in other pastures with me.

The amount, the viciousness and the types of abuses Bangladeshis get in KSA and UAE is horrifying and it’s been going on for decades now. Perhaps it’s same in all countries where Bangladeshis work. Since these two employ majority (over five million) of our migrant workforce, the instances of abuses are also great.


Such an ugly final four. I hate Real as much as the next loony lefty, CNT, anarcho-commie, but I fear they’re the lesser of four evils.

I’m feeling desolate. Need a reminder why I love this stupid game.


Last choice is City. Then PSG. Then Chelsea and finally Madrid :face_vomiting:. Null and void is my top choice. Is that still a thing?


Nah; it’s only advocated when we are going to lift a trophy.


Don’t forget about Europa League, United and Arsenal :sob: :pleading_face: :grimacing: :nauseated_face:

Year of the damned.


Arsenal winning in Europe would perfectly imply how shitty the European competitions this season has been.

Di Matteo would be so proud.


Oh crap… let them not be this lucky FFS

Let’s be honest: which season would be better for this crap club to win the CL as this one? No fans in the stadia throughout, general disinterest in the competition, fake atmosphere etc. If they win it, it won’t mean jack shit. There will be a big asterisk next to that trophy anyway.

Does that mean our Premier League win means jack shit also? A big asterisk next to it? Fuck City, I don’t want them to win anything, their fans have become as obnoxious as Utd and Everton’s. I really hope Spurs can beat them today as well.


Hoping for a Madrid win today. If City progresses, I do not expect Chelsea to give them any problems in the final. Madrid PSG final would be ideal, Chelsea City on the other hand would be like Chelsea United a few years ago :face_vomiting:

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It’s fucking European Night :joy:

I totally forgot. Tells you pissed I’m with this season. I’m very keen on European Nights, doesn’t matter we are or not. Sad times.

“Liverpool without European football is like a banquet without wine.”


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Shouldn’t that be “European football without Liverpool… “ instead? :thinking:

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