UEFA Champions League 2020-21

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Hahaha…!!!no fans…(sorry for being childish but suits em)

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What’s the reasoning of choosing Porto over London? I’m not a supporter of either club but… surely common sense should prevail right?
They’d rather want the fans to spend more time and money on covid tests, airplane fares, hotel fares, time spent in isolation/quarantaine etc. It’s absolutely senseless and I’m glad I don’t need to go through this…


I assume to stop people traveling to London in their masses to drink in the streets and around the ground when they don’t have tickets?

Hosting it in Portugal means that the majority of fans travelling will have tickets? I assume there will be some testing requirements before you fly and enter ground.

I note that the final capacity is yet to be fixed, but 6,000 from each club. Assume the final capacity will be closer to 24,000, so half corporate - good job UEFA.

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Common sense and UEFA should never appear in the same sentence


Chelsea is a London club. City doesn’t have any fans. :sunglasses:


Classic post @Iftikhar :joy:

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The only reason it’s being held in Portugal is because the Portuguese government acceded to UEFA’s frankly ridiculous and irresponsible request that their sponsors, delegates and broadcasters ought to be allowed to travel to and from the country without having to quarantine. Regardless of where those individuals were coming from.

The UK government quite rightly refused such an absurdly arrogant demand from UEFA. This is UEFA putting the interests of their sponsors, broadcasters and delegates above the interests of fans and public health. Fucking shameful.

Yet another reason why UEFA is not fit for purpose.


Yet, they are, and will be, at the helm of things. :sob:

The ESL was a cack handed effort. But I’m not burning a candle for UEFA, at all. At some point the elite clubs will have had enough, and they will set something else up. Just make it sporting, and do a better job on the PR, and it will happen.

UEFA have many conflicts of interest as they are, at the same time, custodians of the game, holders of the tournaments, and also a commercial outfit that has sponsors, vested interests to satisfy, and hundreds of millions in income. As such they are a closed shop, and their reaction to the ESL was simply because their own gravy train was about to be derailed.

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Any idea what sort of restrictions will be in place for the Olympics and the Euro? I feel these two events will be at the epicentre of another surge in infections.

Probably the UK government not easing quantine rules for UEFA delegates coming into the country for the game, considering they will be in Poland for the Europa League final 3 days before.

By moving the final to Porto means they don’t have to quantine

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England and Portugal, one of the oldest “friendships” in Europe and around.



With Portugal moving the State of Calamity back to May 30th, how does that affect the Final, which is scheduled for May29th? Surely fans from the UK cannot now travel to the game.

My question has just been answered on the news. Portugal will allow tourists from the UK, from May17th with a negative COVID test, despite the alert level being extended.

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Shouldn’t have any fans, about sums up the two clubs playing in it.

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What about thousands of guests from places other than UK???

That I can’t answer.