UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

I’ve heard it was Cummings that leaked yesterday’s video… not sure how true that is… but also by all accounts, there was more than one gathering held…!
Would like to comment though, that all the recent news about how Dominic Rabb and his department, let down the Afghan people that were desperately trying to flee the country… that this news has suddenly taken a back-seat because there was a gathering during the covid pandemic… whether anyone photocopied their bare arse or not to constitute it as a party, who knows eh…!
What is apparent with the antics of Bojo’s government though… is that they fail to shock anymore…!

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That’s true. We should be discussing the massive dereliction of duties in the FCO, not this shit.

I know most of us are, but I would hope (probably in vain) that the general population also is intelligent enough to have both on their minds.

Kind of feeling it wont happen to be honest. People don’t know or don’t care. Those that support him do so like Everton and City fans.

I’d call her honest

To my mind it happened. Boris didn’t deny it in PMQ’s and subsequently there’s been the conveyor belt of Tory MP pawns being sent out in front of the camera’s with the same story. That’s BJ modus operandi. Avoid personal scrutiny in front of the press at all costs. Send a minion to do my dirty work.

I’ve heard some horrible and heart wrenching stories of people not able to visit loved ones, loved one’s that passed away etc. Worth noting that the Met Police response is expected but also pathetic.

What’s happened now is that a green light has been given to the whole population to ignore restrictions. The cynic in me almost thinks it’s a planned release so that the government can remain blameless for anything going forward. But the logical side says that Boris hasn’t got that level of brain power to come up with a plot like that.

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Typical distraction tactic :wink:


So as it turns out, it wasn’t just that one party on that one date. 27 November was during a full lockdown, and the Prime Minister made an appearance at that.

“I have been repeatedly assured that I was at no such party, and if indeed it turns out that I was, there will be consequences, some underlings will resign, and we can get on with fighting against the greatest existential threat we currently face - France!”


What a star Desmond Swayne is :roll_eyes:. From the article

*But fellow Tory Sir Desmond Swayne said there needed to be a “greater understanding of the fact that Number 10 is not a house” but a “front door behind which there is a suit of modern offices and meeting rooms, across three floors”.

This made it “perfectly possible” that someone in one part of it could not know about a party going on elsewhere, he argued.*

That directly contradicts what else was said in the article (at the timeline bit)…

Swayne is a bit of a loon. Anti mask etc etc. Him coming out with that gem is almost expected in some ways.

I wonder what Lord Brownlow gets for his £50k?

A special membership badge maybe?

The big news from this is that it shows that Johnson lied to the Lord Geidt during the original investigation. He could be in huge trouble now.

What? Again?

Are there comparisons with Teflon Tony to be had here?

Did ole Tone lie in parliament?

Straight up question. Johnson seems to every time he opens his gob.

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Both wankers.

:+1: I didn’t take any notice back then

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@Kopstar @Klopptimist

If Johnson goes, who should replace him? Please don’t say Patel!

Dominic Rabb is Deputy Prime Minister… Please Please Please Never him though