UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

No, Patel shouldn’t be anywhere near it. I imagine the favourites would be Sunak, Raab or Gove. Or God forbid, Truss.

I definitely wouldn’t want any of the last three. However, Sunak wouldn’t be my first choice either. I’d have Sharma, Tugendhat, Freeman, or Kwarteng ahead of Sunak. Also…I voted for Jeremy Hunt in the leadership contest so I’d back him too.

The lines I’ve read from the Tories this morning are basically saying that despite Boris Johnson texting Lord Brownlow about the refurbishment he had no idea that Brownlow was paying.

That’s transparently desperate bullshit.

I think he could be in serious trouble.

If I had a quid every time that was said about him…


Thing is we’ve been here before and it’s “move on, nothing to see here. Oh, look there’s a pig flying through the air!”…

Apart from that questionable decision :wink: he’s been playing the quiet waiting game only popping up when he can have a dig. Gove has been ominously quiet too.

Raab and Patel just shoot themselves every time they speak. The others on your list are a just part of the Johnson minions to me. Coming out to cover his ass every time he’s screwed up.

That’s definitely not true of Freeman or Tugendhat. Sharma and Kwarteng are part of the cabinet though I think so they have the whole collective responsibility bollocks that prevents ministers from really speaking out too much.

Also, my vote for Hunt was to try and block Johnson. Fat lot of good that did us. Before that I was backing Rory Stewart but he’s left politics now.

Fair condition comment on Freeman and Tugenhadt.

Hunt honestly looks like someone that would stab you in the back. If they ever do a remake of Psycho he’s your man.

Stewart seems like the only decent one from the whole lot.

And he’s not an option any more!

Actually, Freeman and Tugendhat are good guys. Alex Chalk’s alright as well, despite being a remainer, but he lacks charisma. Freeman’s like your Ken Clarke type MP, pragmatic, sensible, safe pair of hands, not especially inspiring I guess. Tugendhat though, there’s definitely something about him. Not afraid to speak out, principled, good record.

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Dishi Rishi most likely in my book. As for who I’d like in charge, me really. I’d be the only honest politician in history. For both of my initial 2 seconds :wink:

Lot of junior doctors with long memory’s will be doing that to him if he is ever admitted into an NHS ward.!

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Pragmatic, sensible, safe pair of hands sounds good right now.

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Such a shame that these people are mobbed by the lunatic crowd currently running the show from the front and back benches along with a section of the press.

There’s a place for moderate conservatism imo.


Wait for it…

I’m sure France will come up with something to save the UK government again, at least for Englanders. Last time it was not being grown up enough in the face of grown ups acting like spoilt kids so I suppose there’s no many more levels to scoop to now is there? Still they’ll find one! :wink: :sunny:

From those comments I would say Chalk sounds like the man for the job :slight_smile:

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I have always felt that what the country needs is a left biased conservative government or a right biased labour one.

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Name me one Labour government that wasn’t right bias. :wink:

Doyle’s got to be a goner.

I’m wondering why this information is trickling out bit by bit right now, are they going to keep us on tenterhooks to unveil a new villain each day?

Heard it suggested tonight that Carrie was induced yesterday so Bojo can scarper onto maternity leave…
It is getting harder to doubt any news coming out about this government now… :roll_eyes: