UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

Just to expand on my post about Johnson breaking down, like or hate him is irrelevant on personal basis imo, but he was elected PM, and it would have been nice if we had someone who genuinely did what they said (never have ,never will but hope is always eternal) .

But this guy laid down the protocols with his cronies for the whole nation to follow, and basically said fuck the lot of you they don’t apply to us.

The point being is , he was found out and after landing the Ultimate fantasy job for him where can pretend to be Churchill, he has fucked up big time, and now after being found out he’s upset and crying etc…normally I would try to find a bit of compassion and think well ok(because I never like to see anyone genuinely upset, and plus mental health issues is quite important to me like many others here).

But is saw a brief video where he was almost in tears doing the interview about saying sorry etc, wearing a facemask to hide his facial expressions imo because he knew he was chatting shit.

But the point is he has shown no compassion to the millions of people who suffered with anything and everything from this pandemic, people have lost civil liberties probably for good without others knowing it yet, people have suffered with the fact that family members have died alone because of his choices, the NHS that he stood there and clapped each Thursday is now looking at sacking drs and nurses by bringing in mandatory vaccinations in.

People have suffered throughout this, and yet he got pissed up when there was a piss up going on ,and now his own MPs are turning on him he starts to weep with them, nothing to the public in the way of a genuine apology, only the self pity that he was found out.

Worse part is this society is broken even worse, and if he survives this it’ll get worse because he will believe that he has been given license to carry on like his idol, and the worse part is those who have suffered will probably have to endure to suffer more .

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Funnily enought I don’t want to be fined either :scream:

Wakefield’s resignation from the Conservative Party. I find it interesting that the letter is more about the policies rather than Johnson himself.

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Interesting thought about Wakefield, he only won by 430 odd votes, well I’m sure labour will jump on the chance to add him as an MP, but would they support him at the next election or could they still opt for the runner up at the last election knowing that Christian Wakefield is still a Tory at heart?

Labour won’t deselect a sitting MP that crossed the floor to them. The bigger question is whether that MP will be prepared to switch back if Johnson is replaced as PM by someone who is popular with the population.

Worth noting that Momentum are up in arms over this.

Of course they are. Momentum seem determined to decrease the number of Labour MPs in the house. :rofl:

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To be fair, he has been like that throughout his whole life. It’s no surprise that his reign could end this way.


As someone on twitter said, amazing how they always have tears for themselves, but never for the people they have let down.


Agreed. It was always going to end with his own party turning on him.

Liar elected to be PM, everyone surprised when liar is caught lying.

I dont think so. He was there to serve a purpose only.

Tear Up Matt Hancock GIF by GIPHY News

I haven’t seen this…

What was this about?

Boning his assistant?

Big question is, will Boris get the Garter?

I imagine that particular accolade is his endgame…

I’m sure you’re familiar with the idea of crocodile tears?

He was trying to relate to how people have lost loved ones during the pandemic. Think he said he’d lost an Uncle or something (can’t quite remember) and then these tears came out.

[check to camera]

I’m crying here…

[surreptitiously pulls pube to get them flowing some more]

Crying! :sob: [checks camera]

will ferrell crying GIF by Team Coco

Completely agree, even though this benefits Labour it feels wrong.

The logic is that people vote for the MP, but in reality very few people do.


Unless it was a different occasion, it was his ‘step-grandfather’ aka the husband of Hancock’s mother Shirley’s, husband’s ex-wife.

Hallmark missed a trick not making specific cards for that kind of relation.


So the same technique as my three-year-old?

Minus the pubes, of course.

Run Away GIF

France’s minister of culture under Sarkozy was Frédéric Mitterrand. It’s too disgusting to say on here what his favorite past time is just that he’s a despicable man and nothing funny about him at all.

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