UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

Nasty. Not sure how Starmer can respond to that. Parliament clearly hasn’t addressed it, if any thing they’ve let Johnson double down on it.

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Starmer was director of public prosecutions. He wasn’t the lawyer responsible for the Savile case, but even if he had been he would not have been able to prosecute as there literally wasn’t a case. Victims were unwilling to come forward, and the police didn’t properly investigate him and gather the necessary evidence.

In response the Savile revelations, Starmer reviewed how everyone got it so wrong. He made many changes to the CPS and the way victims of sexual abuse are treated by the police, recognising that the reason Savile got away with it was because he was protected for decades by the establishment.

Speaking of which, Savile was a close personal friend of Margaret Thatcher, and they spent every New Year’s Eve together. It’s inconceivable that the intelligence services would not have closely vetted someone with that kind of access to the Prime Minister. Savile was a Tory donor, campaigner and supporter, and was active in championing then until his death.

So remind, me again which party is getting shit over the Jimmy Savile stuff?


It says a lot when your nearest rivals are France and Italy. :rofl:

I believe that Thatcher also pushed through Savile’s knighthood after it was rejected or something.

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The irony is that Starmer has done more to put paedophiles behind bars that all those cunts hassling him combined.


I assume they’ve done their research before deciding to hit the streets.

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It was rejected four times over concerns about his character (for some reason, the word ‘lifestyle’ jumps to mind) She finally got it through on the fifth attempt I think.

There is no way that the police did not know what Savile was up to. No way. He was protected. And not by Keir Starmer.


Yeah it stinks

When I was about 8 or 9 I found myself in the back of an ambulance with Jimmy Savile.

I’m kind of hoping you put him there.

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Backtracking a la Trump style.

fans GIF

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Outrage over this latest episode is going to grow. Johnson’s remarks are obviously causal to what happened to Starmer yesterday. To deny that is going to look just as ridiculous as his previous denials over Partygate. I expect it to play big at PMQ’s tomorrow and add to the continuing drag on his Premiership , until we reach the now fast approaching inevitability of a no confidence vote.

Seems like Bojo will carry on regardless, never admitting to anything, never apologising for anything. The only way he’s going is if the public vote him out in the next general election.

He has too much unquestioning and unconditional support from his party.

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Heard it said this morning by some Con. sycophants that Starmer staged the whole thing himself…!!!
Not sure if this government will ever bottom out in their disregard for what should be right and proper

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I feel like some in the Conservative Party are genuinely just going down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole…


There’s no doubt that it wouldn’t have happened without BJ’s comments. However it also wouldn’t have happened without the existence of neanderthals in society.

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Your statement implies that without this proximate cause they would have found another reason to do this, am I reading you correctly?