UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

It’s definitely coming now then.

Brainwashed, clearly.

Took two weeks but finally Truss starts to step up to the plate

Not brought by the Good Law Project.

Probably why it succeeded.

Christ almighty.

Of all the arguments that could be used for me to return to Aus, this would definitely be a winner :rofl:

It gets better…

Who the fuck thinks it appropriate to watch porn in Commons? At least go to the toilet if you’re that desperate! And it’s not as if you can knock one out on the front bench… although I’m sure Bozo would be the first to do it if he could.


This was quite astounding. Think I read initially that it was on the frontbench as well?

The Sunday Times reported last weekend that 56 MPs had been referred to the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme over sexual complaints, including three cabinet ministers and two shadow cabinet ministers.

This is absolutely incredible. There are only 430 male MPs. It’s nearly 1 in 8 of them FFS.

I fucking hate Men.

From observation, I think the average politician is far worse than the average man.


It still astounds me how he ever became leader.

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That’s going to take months to get that vision out of my mind :face_vomiting: :rofl:


Far more likely to have committed a criminal act if you’re a politician than in pretty much any other walk of life. By order of magnitudes.

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Schoolboy hacks off his fringe because he was told he was BoJo’s offspring :0)

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As we all knew, the Tories don’t quite have a monopoly on arseholes in government:

I really want to understand this quote:

She said that before she could reply the shadow cabinet member had intervened to describe her as, "a secret weapon. Women want to be her friend" and men want to sleep with her.

“She is a vote winner.”

When a journalist uses the double quotes in this way where a part of the sentence is within it and the other part outside, is that to imply the quoted part is a full quote and the “and men want to sleep with her” came up as part of a separate sentence?

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Or could it be the bit outside the quatation has been implied, either by the said minister or maybe the journalist?

Those are pretty serious words to imply! I personally don’t hold the BBC’s journalistic integrity in as high a regard as most people in Britain and possibly around the world, but I couldn’t imagine they would just throw that line in unless there is something backing it up. The BBC joining the dots between ‘women want to be her friend’ and therefore men must want to sleep with her? No, I just couldn’t imagine that from the BBC.

She never gets her timing right. Even in her speeches :joy:

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I guess the implication could have been “women want to be her friend, and men…”:

Sheesh, you can’t even give a woman a compliment anymore…