UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

… all male …? are there partially male ones? :astonished:

All done in the “best possible taste” of course.

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Lazy thinking from Corbyn there.

It’s literally the whole “just asking questions” bullshit. Does he have any evidence on what happens without something like NATO?


Interesting view that a build up on one side creates a similar response on the other.

GIven what we’ve seen in Ukraine though it’s incredibly difficult to justify disbanding NATO without some real political changes in certain parts of the world.


Interesting that Corbyn doesn’t think that NATO might be the response.


If we lived in a world were populations were educated, free speech was the norm and accountability through democracy taken for granted I might agree with Corbyn.

But that’s and idealised world. You can disband NATO and the security risk to many Soviet countries only increases. Russia opposes the West at an ideological level it would continue to see the US as an enemy. It would continue to use its military strength and to ensure a strategic advantage. This is where corbyns view falls down. It would still disrupt elections. It would still be a corrupt state that poisons, arrests and kills dissidents.

The fundamental issues of Russia exist without NATO. Ideological, Corruption, Power and Greed.


NATO as it was intended, as a defensive alliance, is fine. Some of the criticisms of it in terms of mission creep are justified - particularly the Libyan fiasco which should have been UN lead rather than a NATO operation. However, Corbyn is a pacifist in the very purest of terms which is laudable in itself and you need people like him in parliament to act as its conscience. You just don’t want them leading things. A good leader will always have a certain grasp of Realpolitik.


Let’s just privatise the whole government then?

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Privatisation doesn’t work with natural monopolies. Unless the object is the funnel taxpayers money to Tory affiliated companies. Which it always is.

I’ve just got a new UK passport and the whole process was extremely efficient and painless.
Surprised to see this news.

My passport had to be renewed during covid…did everything online…new passport arrived 3 weeks later…also had a tracker page to follow…the report suggests the backlog is for people who didn’t apply during covid…couldn’t see why they didn’t.

And thats the problem. Tory party now realise the only way to change this is to privatise it - preferably by dividing it between two competing companies so a more convoluted series of layers can be added to the process for profit maximising and also to ensure citizens don’t get to see any examples of efficient public service in case they start to demand it everywhere. Oh and lots of brown envelopes and bitcoin wallets for their hard work.



Is this not, like, what governments do and stuff??

FMD…I rue the day covid didn’t end this cunt.

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My second son is British btw, and obtaining his passport could not have been more efficient at about 1/6 of the price of my latest Aussie one.

That’s right. He’s a Brit.

You cunts are stuck with me.


I was very impressed by the service during Covid when I renewed mine. Sent a photo from my mobile and had the new one in under 2 weeks. What more do people want?


Best I send you some Marmite for the little guy.

Make sure you put a return address on it so I can shit on your doorstep next time I’m in the area.

He fucking LOVES Vegemite by the way, the little fatty.



Waste if space idea that is doomed to failure and will only cost people more in the long run.

Typical of a government who couldn’t manage anything but a party and they couldn’t even keep that quiet.

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