UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

No, was just an example. I’d like you to justify your statement that those who opposed immigration reject global warming. Take your time.

Come on now I represent myself at least and I can assure you I am some one. :wink:
True I am one of a kind, then again so are you. :smiley:

Are you telling me on the Venn Diagram of Anti Immigration and climate change ambivalence you think there wouldn’t be a sizeable clustering within the overlap?

I’d present the readership of any rightwing newspaper in the UK as indicative of this.

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I know several.

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The Death Pencil strikes again. How to make friends and influence people.

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Do you think Mogg understands what micromanaging is and why it is regarded as a bad thing?

Nope. I dont think he’s ever managed anything in his whole life. The honourable gentleman from the 1820’s has only ever dealt with servants.

I suppose he would think that Civil Servants fall into that bracket.


The cunt honestly carries himself like a Dickensian factory owner, so I highly doubt it.


Hahahaha…what @Noo_Noo said…


I’ve noticed a bit of the ‘hahahaha’ slipping in here. @SBYM and @PeachesEnRegalia the ringleaders, natch. Can we please cut it out chaps, its ruining the decorum. Ta muchly,

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You made me waste 5 minutes looking for Peaches posts. :rofl:
You do realise SBYM is an aussie?
Love the decorum bit in the UK politics Thread. :rofl:

SBYM is strayan? Fuck me with a dead dingoes donga, but he’s as mad as a cut snake with a couple of roos loose in the top paddock and a bloody drongo so it figures.


@SBYM is Australian, but he lives in the UK.

Like half of his compatriots.

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Ahem…one-third, not one half.

You’re thinking of Noo Zeeland.


I aspire to be a Dickensian factory owner, Jnr does call me “father” sometimes which I suppose is halfway to “sir”

Jacob, is that you?

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It’s not him but a founding member of the JR-M fan club. In the deepest depths of the interweb clips of @Klopptimist can be found.

No it’s not it’s a polite way of saying ‘Dad you prick’. :rofl:
