UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

I never could, 4 out of ten never impressed them! :rofl:

Sure but most of those didnā€™t start with much integrity or respect. The British system is falling apart in comparison to what it was considered to be. Thereā€™s no excuse for that. You manage to keep the smuck under wraps or donā€™t and if you you did and now itā€™s hung out to dry thereā€™s a real problem!

Canā€™t the head of state do that?

She can but it would be (to say the very least) unusual.

I always understood the constitution wasthe law. Thatā€™s an incredible number of written documents if true.

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Only unusual in recent times!

ā€œBorris you idiotic gigolo, fuck off before the corgis eat your bollocks. Iā€™ve met smarter ginger biscuits than you and to be honest, your lockdown conduct and how I said goodbye to my husband makes me want to go full tilt Traitorsā€™ Gate on your idiotic rump.ā€

Anyone else, that would be a threat.

But for him, he would probably enjoy it

I just found thisā€¦ :joy:

And I thought our government is weird butā€¦

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Apples and oranges - the blackface was over 20 years ago, more comparable to Johnsonā€™s university days than his behaviour as a PM. Most of Johnsonā€™s scandalous behaviour from that era hasnā€™t actually even rated a scandal.


To be fair, technically Sunak probably hasnā€™t done anything wrong. Ethically, itā€™s dodgy as hell but from a ministerial code standpoint I donā€™t think heā€™s breeched it. Contrast that with his boss though.

It just looks awful, and is basically someone properly taking the piss out of the system from the inside. Itā€™s probably cost him any chance of becoming PM too.

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Sheā€™s the deputy leader of the Labour Party. I would be surprised if she wasnā€™t.

I saw the Mail this morning was trying to draw some sort of comparison with the Tory shenanigans. Honestly, itā€™s pathetic.


Sure. Unfortunately it was denied she was there. While Starmer was drinking beer at a ā€˜work eventā€™.

The ā€˜Starmer drinking beer at a work eventā€™ thing has been covered to death. Itā€™s not relevant. It was a work meeting, when went on late and they ordered in a takeaway and a few bottles of lager. It wasnā€™t a piss up or a party.

It was a risible attempt at whataboutery when they first tried it, and itā€™s still risible today.


From the article.

Durham Police reviewed the video in February this year and said it did not believe an offence had been committed.

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You quite clearly missed the part where theyā€™re now trying to suggest that Durham police are in the pocket of the Labour Party.

Of courseā€¦but as weā€™ve seen, things that the police previously chose to dismiss or not investigate are being revisited. I personally donā€™t have a problem with their being alcohol at a ā€˜workā€™ event. I have a problem with hypocrisy.

The sad thing is that if someone as intelligent as you is going to fall for this transparent bullshit, millions of people will.

Keir Starmer did nothing wrong. The work event (nothing like a pair of inverted commaā€™s to suggest impropriety) was legitimate, has been investigated, and nothing has changed about that.

The reason it is been dragged out again, is because the Tory party, at this point lower than the gutter, is desperate to create the impression that Labour are at it as well, and they are all as bad as each other.


Oh of course. How silly of me.