UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

UKIP? Britain First maybe?


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You putting rockets under that all covering blanketā€™s wings?

Just messinā€™ :wink:

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I canā€™t be arsed to trawl through your litany of trolling.

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You defend them ā€˜allā€™ so eloquently and stubbornly that sometimes I wonder. :smiley:

Here for something over 10 years (old forum and this) and you think Iā€™m trolling. Back up your accusation or take it back. Simple really. Or donā€™t, I donā€™t really care. Just so long as we all know youā€™re talking broken biscuits.

Youā€™ll note I have my polite hat on today.

All? You missed me wanting Boris on an island full of poisonous snakes.

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Yes, Iā€™m sure ā€œweā€ all think Iā€™m ā€œtalking broken biscuitsā€.

The length of time youā€™ve managed to last on a forum doesnā€™t indicate anything about the content of your crap.

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Well, you give zero evidence of your accusation so yes. Broken biscuits. If youā€™d like Iā€™ll explain the metaphor?

Drunk Happy Hour GIF by Saturday Night Live

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He already is, start following this thread. Heā€™s one of the biggest snakes of the lot, in fact heā€™s the leader, big boss, snake. :wink:

Actually, to pull this nonsense to pieces, I believe you wanted to say my crap content as the content of my crap is a matter between myself and my doctor. Still, simple insults are tricky are they not. Youā€™ve proven that beautifully.

Iā€™d like to know. Honestly, never heard that expression before.

Sorry. Must read things twice.

Crumbs, not really much in the way of substance.

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That is quite an impressive list but had people taken notice of his lies and misdemeanours before 2016 surely he would never have got Brexit approved and would never have been PM and frankly the UK would be a happier, healthier and wealthier place for it.


I disagree with much of that. Firstly his handling of Covid was that of a person that preferred to listen to YouTube rather than the scientists he had at his disposal. Heā€™s well educated, smart he is not. There are other examples as well. He canā€™t manage or govern anything without making a hash out of it.

Secondly he has removed all the voices from the Conservative party and replaced them with nodding donkeys that are in it for self glorification rather than a politicians work. Iā€™d even bet he has the whips running round like blue arsed flies shutting down anyone that shows any hint of independent thinking. We already know that the whips keep nice dossiers on each politician under their wing.

Boris is the cherry on top of a very broken and rotten cake. He is the very manifestation of what we have allowed the UK government to become. That along with the UK press and their backers pushing certain self centred agendas. The UK has become a circus and itā€™s only natural that a clown rises to lead it.


Oh, did you think I was talking about voters?

Sorry - I reserve my disdain for the Conservative Party, not the poor people they convince to vote for them. Most of whom are clearly victims of their lies and manipulation.


Jack Black Reaction GIF


We probably have to stop thinking of ā€˜intelligenceā€™ as a binary, yes/no thing.

In some ways Boris is exceedingly clever. He is certainly manipulative, devious and has well developed political nous. In other ways he is absolutely thick as pigshit. He canā€™t be arsed learning or reading his brief, he is chronically lazy and he continually backs himself into corners with needless mistruthinā€™.

Iā€™ll always say about Public School itā€™s not the education thatā€™s important, itā€™s that you exit brainwashed to believe in your own superiority, with a psychotic degree of self-confidence, and a network of contacts that means errors and mistakes can always be brushed away.

Boris Johnson is the living embodiment of this.