UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

I love a blanket statement.

At a lull in proceedings I looked online for a new tractor.

The soil in my constituency is predominantly clay and difficult to turn, so I needed something appropriate.

I therefore googled “rough ploughing” hoping to find a powerful tractor.

To my horror…


One that it gets harder to refute every day.

In the midst of all the leg-crossing stuff, what has gone unremarked upon is the tacit acceptance by everyone - including the Tories, the Mail etc - that the Prime Minister is incapable of holding his attention together and doing his job properly in sight of a female leg.

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I suspect that there isn’t much that can hold the Prime Ministers attention to be honest.
Maybe that’s how he ended up with £800 per roll wall paper?

“oh Carrie just take that one will you”

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It’s throwing a blanket named scum over all of them that I have a problem with. They’re not and you know they’re not. Some are. Most? Possibly. All? No.

You don’t seem to have a problem with doing that to benefits claimants…


It’s a vanishingly small number. I’m struggling to think of many conservative politicians who are actually behaving honourably in the face of what we are witnessing.

Even the supposed good ones are tolerating the damage the Government is doing to the fabric of our country for their own electoral gain. I’m not talking about policy differences, although there’s a debate about whether wilfully plunging millions into abject poverty can be described in those terms. I’m talking about illegality, dishonesty, misogyny, venality. Making rules you are not yourself willing to follow. Seeing your elected role as a means of funnelling backhanders to yourself and those closest to you. The traits that define this government.

The country balances on a delicate social contract between the governors and those who give their consent to be governed. It always has, and in a democracy, it always will. Maintaining order, good behaviour, lawfulness and cooperating requires our leaders to model that good behaviour and moral fortitude. When they fail to do so, order breaks down.

Margaret Thatcher said that the primary responsibility of Government was to uphold the law. I hated that woman in so many ways, but she understood that. I think she’d be spinning in her grave at the current shower.

So while a great number of Tories are not liars, thieves, sexual deviants and corrupt narcissists, their silence and acceptance enables those that are. Any Tory thinking ‘let’s see what happens at the Local Elections’ or ‘Boris is still a vote winner’ is essentially putting their own interests and those of the Tory party above the well-being of the country.


We still don’t have the 54 letters of no confidence in Boris Johnson to trigger a leadership contest.

Speaks volumes to me.

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Absolutely every single one of them just like all Tories are scum.

There are times when people read what their pre-conceptions tell them is in front of them. Confirmation bias I believe the term is.

It pains me to have to agree with Klopptimist, but blanket statements about any group are rarely useful or productive.

However, all Tory MPs and party members do have a duty to speak out against the policies and practices of their government, and there is far too little of that. They are becoming more and more like the US Republicans in that sense.


While a blanket statement is never really right what we are seeing here is a a real concern. Let’s look at the things that Boris Johnson has been involved in since August 2019

  • Unlawful proroguing of Parliament. Rees-Mogg is sent to Buckingham Palace to lie to the Queen
  • purged the 21 MP’s that spoke up / voted against the Brexit that was being delivered
  • Jennifer Arcuri was found to have received cash and access to Boris cause he fancied her
  • Delays first Covid Lock down
  • Patients discharged from hospital early with Covid and sent to Care homes.
  • Misses 5no. COBRA meetings. He was “on holiday” for at least one, and rarely works weekends for some of the others.
  • Boasts about shaking hands with everyone and everybody in a Covid ward.
  • “Let the bodies pile high” comment
  • Delays second Covid lock down. Basically he does not work with the governments of Scotland, Wales and N Ireland
  • Dominic Cummings breaks lockdown rules and issues a statement from No. 10 garden. Lies about eye tests
  • Covid contracts issued to companies linked to the Conservative party - Pestfix etc.
  • High court ruling that the VIP lane for companies providing Covid assistance was unlawful (I’ll respectfully to greater legal knowledge on that one).
  • Refuses to extend vouchers for school meals until Marcus Rashford, who seems to have become a better campaigner than footballer forces a U-turn
  • Test and Trace - ÂŁ12bn that only had a marginal impact on infection rates
  • Exams U-turn and Gavin Williamson
  • Reopened schools in the middle of the pandemic and closed them shortly afterwards (a matter of hours later)
  • Brandon Lewis announces that the UK is prepared to break international law in a “very specific and limited way”
  • Another u-turn on extending free school meals
  • Gavin Williamson is now Sir Gavin Williamson
  • David Frost who negotiated the Brexit deal says the deal isn’t fit for purpose
  • David Frost is now Lord David Frost
  • Pritti Patel found guilty of bullying. He does not sack her, so the governments ethics adviser resigns
  • Cuts foreign aid despite a manifesto pledge not to.
  • Pet rescue from Afghanistan
  • Foreign secretary goes on holiday at the same time as the PM while Afghanistan burns under the Taliban
  • Pension triple lock is abandoned Another manifesto pledge broken
  • Hike in National Insurance pushed through
  • Owen Patterson found to have received payments from Randox as a consultant. Randox received a big Covid contract. Boris denies Paterson did anything wrong and does not sack him. The Government tries to rewrite the rules on Parliamentary standards. Paterson eventually resigns.
  • Questions raised on the PM Taking flights from COP26 (Edinburgh to London) so he can attend a party.
  • Questions raised about where the money has come from for decorating No. 10. Wall paper at ÂŁ800 / roll.
    Does not sack the Health Secretary after its revealed that the HS was having a saucy affair with a co worker during Covid lockdown
  • Party gate breaks.
  • Chancellor’s wife is found to have avoided tax payments through a Non Dom loop hole. A loop hole that was identified by previous Tory governments and wanted to close. The Chancellor also had a US green card for 6 months while standing as an MP.
  • Becomes first sitting PM to be found guilty of a criminal offense an fined for breaking the law. He happened to introduce those laws. The investigation is ongoing and further fines may be issued.
  • PM under investigation for misleading parliament despite it being a pretty open and shut case.
  • Forces through a peerage for his buddy Lebedev despite warnings from Mi5
  • Russian involvement in UK government questioned with London being labelled the laundromat of the World. (This is a Tory issue not a Johnson one being fair) but Boris has been known to have received cash for playing tennis with Russian individuals. Interesting delays to sanctions on Russian oligarchs. Law had to be changed apparently.
  • North Ireland Protocol etc etc.
  • Driver shortages across the UK.
  • Christmas turkey shortages
  • Pig cull due to shortages of abattoir staff (many EU workers previously)
  • Fishing industry trashed
  • Shortages of fruit picking labour (again EU workers previously)
  • Brexit benefit minister announces that the fact that we are treating the UK border as if we are a member of the EU is a Brexit benefit.
  • Nadine Dorries looks at privatising the BBC. She states that privatising Channel 5 worked really well despite Channel 5 never being in public ownership
  • Johnson threatens to privatise the passport service due to delays in processing applications. Airports are also chaotic.

I’d guess there’s more but even though it’s been an unprecedented period for any government to deal with, let’s just say he’s been a busy boy. And yet he’s still in post with Tory MP’s “uncertain” about having confidence in his ability to be PM


But you know you must. I had to contribute to the Labour party after losing a bet on here. Comes to us all.

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Their leader is, their spokespersons are, their image is, they are!
The ones who are not can and should speak up!

That was not the proposal, that was your interpretation.
The original proposal was and is correct!

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I don’t think anybody would argue that Boris is anything but a rather clever guy who pretends to be a fool and quite conveniently gets away with it. He and his cohort really do need deporting to an island full of very scary snakes. But he is no-more representative of Conservative voters than SOS are of all Liverpool fans. There are probably more apt analogies but this is an LFC forum.

No, the proposal was that the Tories are utter scum. Probably a bigger blanket.

… and as they are an organised affiliated group if they don’t speak out they get tarred with the same brush.
Does it include you?
If the case I’d understand your frustration being so undemocratically represented and keeping stum about it. :grinning:

You’ll quote where I have and prove your point or accept you’re talking nonsense.

I’m not a Tory as i’ve said again and again and again. My beliefs just ally with the right more than the left.