UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

Got to admit I don’t know some of the names above but Sharma and Kwarteng? No for me. These two have been regularly rolled out after Boris has screwed up. Faithful servants if you like but happy to tow whatever BS line Boris is on.

You could be right on Starmer. Get the party square again and then someone else. Monster task! And it probably doesn’t win you the next election. You’re right that Labour does have some good female MP’s though. I’ve enjoyed how Nandy and Cooper have torn into some government policies over the last 12 months for example.


Problem is the truth does not matter. The damage is done. It’s all about painting a picture they are all as bad as one another.

For a percentage of the population they will reach this conclusion. Does not really matter if in a few weeks if he is not fined or any nuance by date or parties and work meals are not the same thing.

There are a few disturbing elements here.

  • It seems that the leaks are coming from someone within the Labour Party.

  • The same press calling for Starmers head, where a few weeks ago was telling the public to move on from party gate. To wait for Sue Grey or the met office for Johnson.

  • The press (Mail and Times) knew about it before Durham police made any statement. Even before the Labour Party knew about this.

  • Concerns of political pressure to reopen this case (on seemingly very little evidence). Seemingly different standard required.

It stinks of a hatchet job (guilty or not) it also clearly being weaponised.


This isn’t news because Starmer may have broken lockdown rules. It’s news because of the lie about Rayner and the potential hypocrisy.

Unfortunately for Labour’s women, they can be as energetic and generate as much power as they want, there’s a bloody great big control rod behind them called Dianne Abbot.

@Klopptimist Can we really draw a line between capitalism and socialism these days?

There are capitalist parties who are committed to issues like social welfare and environmental protection while there are socialist parties who are committed to private enterprise and economic growth.

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I can’t help but being slightly amused at the prospect of it being Starmer and not Johnson who actually loses his job in the wake of the partygate revelations.

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In general there doesn’t seem to be a lot of debate about actual concrete policies atm or is that the wrong impression I’m getting?

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Policy is not a priority in UK politics. Clothing, hairstyles, being seen with soap stars, kissing babies, where you go on holiday etc etc, these are the vital issues.


So you’ve found my instagram account

And yet you lot voted the Tory equivalent as PM!

Nope. All scandal. I suppose the big policy of the moment us shipping refugees to Rwanda.

Truth is thus current lot can’t govern despite an 80 seat majority.


He can probably count to 12. Probably.

That’s a lie :wink:

or 24 if someone helps him to take his shoes and socks off

It’s media led reactionary nonsense. Media enrages people with ‘lies’ then states people are enraged. Government responds by making a new law even though laws are already in place for the situation the scandal has blown up about. The media have just pointed their fingers in the wrong direction to help out one of their buddies.
It’s all part of the lazy disinformation society but hey we have the right to our opinions however stupid and il-linformed.
In any case if anyone had a coherent range of policies that could actually work and make our lives better it’d be ripped apart in seconds.
Important to note it’s not just USA and UK but these have become the most deprived in the matter.

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Greens and a new political system.

Chances it happens? Pretty much zero. Maybe when the world is on fire.

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Well, no it’s isn’t.

Let’s be clear that the reason why Johnson has been attacked so vociferously, and rightly so, is because he lied to Parliament egregiously and repeatedly about the parties.

That’s parties by the way. Plural. A repeated, consistent pattern of rule breaking.

It looks to me like Durham Police, who originally rejected reopening their original investigation, have been pressured into this by the media and The Conservative Party.


Usual Johnson response

“Look over there”


You’ve just confirmed precisely why it is partly about hypocrisy.

Who encouraged the Met police investigation?