UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

It’s called a joke. I may regret cracking it.

Doubt it.

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Jokes are great of course, but maybe there’s a time and place, like not when someone has asked you an honest question about politics.
You can’t complain about never being taken seriously if you are never serious.


I’m not sure how anyone who supports this lot of charlatans can be taken seriously… on politics, at least.


I am and have been many times in the past. If you missed it then sorry. I’m not doing capitalism vs socialism again. Never ends well. You’ll not find many people who’ve built their own businesses from scratch champion the Labour party.

But Labour are several country miles away from being a socialist party.

Sounds very capatalist

Traitors :stuck_out_tongue:

For ‘Labour’ read ‘New Labour’.

Not the same thing at all sadly.

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The socialism v capitalism construct does not describe the choice between Labour and Conservative.

The old Labour instinct, pre Blair, maybe even earlier, is to veer socialist, and the Tory instinct is to veer capitalist, definitely, but it’s a matter of degrees whichever way you go on the scale.

Ideologically I am a capitalist, but I hope a reasonable and compassionate one. So I want hard work to be rewarded, and I want personal responsibility to be taken seriously. At the same time I don’t mind paying taxes (I’d be a liar if I said I enjoyed it) and I want decent societal policies that help lift people.

Unchecked capitalism leads to extreme polarization, and an underclass with diminished prospects, which is no good. Unchecked socialism leads to corruption as the ruling class invariably take more for themselves.

I think we are much nearer to the former than the latter.


I think it is becoming clear now that when there is a pandemic one should stay well away from Durham! :rofl:
What are the odds on Diane Abbott becoming the next Labour party leader? :partying_face:

But Labour aren’t socialist, so you’ve created a false dichotomy which you then profess to be bored of.
This Labour party is not going to dismantle capitalism in the UK, so why are they worse than the Tories?

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I hate blanket statements like Labour are Socialists.


You might want to tell them that then as I don’t think they know.Their last leader was almost Marxist.

And all tories are scum?

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Odd how the right call Starmer a Socialist and the left call him a Tory.

Probably somewhere in the middle I’d guess.

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Pointless mate, we tend to call him pointless.

Na they’re entitled turds that won’t flush. Teresa May still has some dignity a out her but I honestly can’t think of any others actually in the party that aren’t entitled turds.

If there are any please let me know.

That doesn’t mean that they don’t have good policies either but again none spring to mind off the top of my head.

I feel hesitant in saying I rate specific politicians because next week they’ll be exposed as a paedo/racist/antisemite/fraud…

But I like George Freeman, Tom Tugendhat, Tobias Elwood, Alok Sharma, Kwasi Kwarteng, Rachel Reeves, Steve Reed, Hilary Benn.

I think Starmer is right for Labour right now. He’s respectable, presents well, bit dull…but I don’t feel he has the ability to connect with the average voter and that’s what Labour will need at the next GE. I think Rachel Reeves could do this.

Not only would it be about time that Labour had a female leader, but she’s not divisive (unlike Jess Phillips or Angela Rayner perhaps). Lisa Nandy seems to have lowered her profile. Reeves is bright as a button as well. As far as I know, she hasn’t put her foot in anything.

As opposed to Bozo, who is simply worthless.

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He probably has scrap value, useful for filling in holes I think.