UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

No, it’s literally the opposite. Scotland did introduce minimum alcohol pricing a few years later which you could have argued that for but the main effect was to eliminate tramp juice.


Starmer has no power to remove Johnson. Only the Conservative party can do that and they appear to be happy with their life choices. To Starmer’s credit he did the right thing in calling for a review on whether Johnson broke the Ministerial Code. The Tories were forced into a corner on that one and tanked in the recent Council elections. That still wasn’t enough to shift him. Johnson by definition is the unflushable turd.

Could he do more and be more dynamic? Most certainly but he has other battles to fight as well as Johnson. That would plague any Labour leader.


It’s all just a big game for them

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About bloody time

This exactly.

@Mascot I know you are writing about this since the last election, but I think you know that it’s not going to happen.

Refusal to do this has to be one of the single most stupid things done by left sided UK opposition parties ever.

They achieve nothing squabbling from the sides and in opposition. Get together, work out the details, win an election and then change the political landscape.


Up there with campaigning against AV.

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Oh my god. Don’t get me started…

A formal electoral pact is a way off happening, but this kind of informal non-blocking strategy suggests attitudes are starting to shift a little.

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I’m just wondering what it would actually take for these people to wake up. The Conservatives are at their weakest now in years but would still likely scrape a General Election win, I’d guess. They know this.

How does the saying go?
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results” springs to mind here.


In all fairness , after the thumping majority they secured last time I don’t think there’s too many people who would have thought they’d be turfed out at the first attempt , no matter what catastrophe they inflict on the nation.

Quite possibly but I bet they were thinking that after 10 years of Austerity as well and we’re still in the same position.

They need to do something different.

I’d recommend group hara-kiri as a good starting point.


On the contrary, I don’t think the decision is as easy and cost free as you imply. Many years ago Labour became the political party it did in part because the Liberals stood down candidates in a number of constituencies to help them, which ultimately came at the long term expense of the Liberal party, not the Conservatives.

Secondly, there are people who will not vote for a party if a vote for it becomes seen as a vote for a third party (Lib Dems pick up votes from Conservatives who wouldn’t want to vote Labour for example. There are probably some on the Labour side who wouldn’t want to be seen voting Lib Dem - largely off the back of what Lib Dems did in Government 10 years ago but also now over Brexit.).


All fair points which are difficult to argue against but I still think the biggest hurdle is the pig headed nature of the people involved to actually set aside whatever prejudices they have and have a serious conversation about it.

I’d ague they dont need to do this everywhere but there are bound to be seats out there which this is a viable option. In fact it actually happened in Wales last year (perhaps the year before) with Plaid not putting forward a candidate in an area of Mid Wales allowing the Liberals to take the seat. You’d need to look at each seat individually I think.

Yeah I agree I don’t think a formal pact would be the best approach. I would prefer a wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more, kind of approach and just have the weaker party in two way marginals to step down for ‘personal reasons’.

Even if it’s a one-off. Just get this cunt-stain of a Tory party out of government.


What the holy fuck. She honestly believes what she’s saying.

She is a satirist taking the Sky clip, and making fun of it.

The original wasn’t that much more absurd.


Yeah, my bad, here’s the original

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Shades of Norman Tebbit.

For what it’s worth, her salary is over 100k (not sure exactly what ministerial role she has) and cleared well over 200k in expenses last year.

Slapped down?