UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

I was talking generally - those who have received custodial sentences. I haven’t looked at how that may differ on the types of criminal behaviour. Might check later.

The protocol prepared and drafted by the UK government. The deal that no British PM would sign but Boris did. Maybe they didn’t think about it?

Worth looking up Fergal Sharkey (the good heart and teenage kicks) on Twitter or wherever on this.

Would someone please give me a simple summery why UK wants to scrap the Irish Sea Protocol?

Because it requires checks on goods between the UK and Northern Ireland but no checks between the Republic and Northern Ireland. It is a border in the Irish Sea.

In response trade between Rep of Ireland and Northern Ireland has increased significantly while Northern Ireland can’t get sausages from the UK.

This has pissed off Unionists but they were also sold a kipper by Boris


But I thought the reason for the sea border was that the Irish didn’t want a hard border.

Nobody does, so they say, and the EU don’t want to have to have the headache of protecting the integrity of their own market.

The Unionists do, to a point so that they can be more joined to the UK rather than Ireland.

The protocol has put Northern Ireland in a fantastic position where they are effectively part of the EU as far as trade goes but it has obviously, as if no one predicted :roll_eyes: pushed them further away from the UK both politically and in trade.

UK and Northern Irish MP’s are now acting surprised that the deal that no British PM could sign has done exactly what people said it would.

This was always the fundamental problem with Brexit.


Cost of living. What the fuck are the government doing, or not doing as the case may be?

They seem to be sitting on their hands which is causing havoc and even killing businesses. They are apparently the party for business. The strategy makes no sense at all. Are they clueless? What are they afraid of?

I always liked Ed Miliband. It’s a pity that they took him down with antisemitic slurs when he was Labour leader.


My partner worked for him in the civil service. Said he was a really decent man. Everything he did was led by a sense of fairness and equality. Sharp contrast with the the Tories she later worked for.

Sadly the right wing press were able to dismantle him because he ate a bacon sandwich in a funny way. That’s the uphill struggle facing every labour leader in this country, and why shit like Beergate needs to be seen in context of this.

Ironically, a couple of weeks after the bacon sandwich fiasco, David Cameron was caught eating a hotdog with a knife and fork.


It doesn’t affect their interests so they aren’t interested.

Do you have an example of price changes in the UK? In Germany there has been a big increase in the price of heating fuel, diesel, petrol, LPG, cooking oils. This is mainly due to the Ukraine war but it is causing a secondary hit on electricity and general food prices (in fact anything that relies on diesel to move it).

Obviously, food and heating will hit lower income people proportionally more as a percentage of their household budget. There has actually been a reduction in the cost of virtual and durable products but those tend to be more of a middle class staple.

I know the writer Jack Monroe has been working on the ONS to produce a bare-basics inflation guide. I’m interested to see what the results of that are.

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On 5Live they just relayed the fact that inflation is 9% for the general population but 11% for the lowest income groups.

Utility costs have increased by 70% in 12 months

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Ouch! The figures I’ve found for Germany were 17.7% for electricity and 41.8% for gas. Heating Oil is 144% up (I had that in Scotland one time and short term rises like that are not uncommon). That’s a lower percentage but energy is typically expensive in Germany anyway.

Awkwardly, I’d do that…

I have to do it with burgers if I get them in a UK pub. Burgers used to be hand-held convenience food that you could hold in your hand and fitted conveniently in your gob. Now they appear to be modelled on something from a Scooby Doo cartoon.

I mean, I do that with burgers and sandwiches too…

Says a lot about the voting population if something like that can sway them…


And that’s not even the weirdest thing he’s done with pork.



Sounds about right