UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

FFS, eh? What do you have to do to bump it off these days?

[Sorry - been watching too much Jeselnik!]

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I’m sure the situation isn’t the same, but I am reminded of that time that Newsnight had a debate on pornography, and how the old Christian women they had on suggesting that pornography was being piped into her computer and she couldn’t open a website without seeing adverts for porn, had to have it explained to her that her ad popups were largely determined by browsing history.

It was also amusing that the young lad they had on was given the subtitle ‘Porn User/Masturbator’. I mean, really. If you’re going with the first, we can guess the second.

You’re looking at the news, mine was the BBC front page. Also tried it with my spare test browser that I only use for work. And if you think I spend more time googling Boris than anything else :joy::joy::joy:

It’s hardly worth getting in a lather about

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14 murdered and Boris is the headline???

To be fair Boris did kill far more :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


The Prime Minister repeteadly lying and breaking the rules should be headline news. Just because this conservative government does it so often shouldn’t make us apathetic.


’ he will be investigated by a Commons committee ’ … with both a Tory majority and Chair , if I’m not mistaken. Does anybody seriously think that they are going to find against him and force a resignation ?

Unless someone is harboring an ambition to become Prime Minister.

The page you were looking at was the BBC’s UK homepage. There were a lot of UK stories on there.
On their news pages the shooting was the first item.


On the topic of the shooting and the debates around it in terms of laws/controls, I wonder if in the current climate (in the UK) we would have been able to ban the ownership of hand guns and automatic guns as easily as we did back in the 80s?

America can only be described as a failed state. The only country in the world where this happens regularly. Where they refuse to protect children from battlefield weapons. Where they love their guns more than their kids


Jim Jefferies and Bill Burr do some great stuff on gun control but recently I’ve been watching a lot of Anthony Jeselnik, who is superbly dark. One of his lines was, from memory…

Of course, my parents got a gun. Got a gun to protect their 5 children. My parents got a gun to protect their 5 children.

Of course, they then got rid of the gun. They got rid of the gun…to protect their 4 children.

Can’t deny; it was fun while it lasted. I was getting pretty good towards the end there…

Unfortunately, when people ask, “when is enough, enough?” That the answer in the US always seems to be, “Never. Our freedoms will never be taken from us, only our children”


“He is a lying bastard, with a recent track record for saying whatever he thinks he needs to say”

This is not a recent record. He has been doing it since 1987 when he lost his first job for lying .
Unbelievably some people are still prepared to believe him or let him get away with lying.


Yes, I know how the BBC website works, but thanks.

Pretty much sums it up:

I’ve posted my experiences of guns in the USA before, scary stuff. Will never change, NRA is too strong. They’ll never agree to any further restrictions, thin end of the wedge and all that.


What’s their line this time? Is anyone asking them whether the lives of other people’s kids a price worth paying for social inadequates to play with assault rifles?

Solution is to arm teachers, obviously.

And we were worried it would be a whitewash……

More information is starting to come through, but this time on the prime minister’s upcoming statement to MPs.

He is expected to say: “I commissioned this report to set the record straight and allow us all to move on.

"I accept full responsibility for my failings. I am humbled by the whole experience.

"We have learned our lesson.”

I’m also told by a No10 source that one line in the report from Sue Gray is that she is “pleased progress is being made in addressing the issues I raised”.

Clearly we are yet to read the report for ourselves and to see her conclusions in the round.