UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Fucking idiots is harsh. But I do think there was a great deal of ignorance that ultimately carried the vote. For every person like you and Kopstar who had actually considered the issue carefully, there were scores and score who didn’t have the first clue what they were voting for. You might consider yourselves to be informed voters, and I won’t argue with that, but you were definitely a tiny minority.

If everyone had done their diligence and taken the time to fully understand what the referendum was about, remain would have won by a fucking landslide. Vote leave needed millions of people to walk into those voting booths angry about the Muslims, or bananas, or believing that we couldn’t pass our own laws, or that the EU was a dictatorship, or that our payments to the EU were preventing us from stopping old ladies dying of sepsis or something. It wouldn’t have won otherwise.

I try not to get angry at leave voters these days, because I think a huge majority of the people who voted leave should be, when everything has shaken out, considered victims. A lot of people who have been shafted by 30 years of an aggressive capitalist Ponzi have also been duped into thinking that the reason their lives are shit is because of immigrants, of because of Brussels, or because we can’t pass our own laws (as if being freed from the shackle of Europe is actually going to see these cunts passing laws that benefit poor people). A lot of it was a reflexive kick out against a political system that has continually failed them. It’s hard to go to people and say if you vote leave it will be worse for you when they are already struggling to make ends meet. Worse than this? Fuck off. Sadly it is going to be worse, much much worse.

Finally, I’ll just say that I do believe that anyone who approaches the subject now claiming that they expected and were happy to put up with the carnage that Brexit has unleashed isn’t being honest. I’m sorry, but I just don’t believe you. If that were true, we might have heard something about it before the vote. All we heard in the run up was that we’d get a better deal outside because Germany needs our cars or similar. Mocking ‘project fear’, which largely turned out to be true. We only starting hearing about short term pain after ERG bellends like Rees Mogg didn’t need anyone’s votes anymore.


Then you don’t think I’m honest. Nobody of sound mind thought that the EU weren’t going to utterly shaft any negotiation on us leaving. Turkey’s voting for Christmas leaps to mind.

Why stop at ‘on this forum’?

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I have no memory of you, or anyone else, saying this before the referendum.


Because I’m not on any other forum. Do I have a better understanding of the issues than 99% of UK voters? Probably.

I did. In terms that I said that there’d be short-term (5-10yrs) pain.

And if memory serves, a wide range of constitutional, trade and international relations experts.


Shame. I’d have liked to hear his response.

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Agreed. I don’t think the guy man-handling her did himself or Starmer any favours.

Absolutely. Everything’s an opportunity. Tell her sit down, buy her a cup of tea, listen patiently and then answer her concerns.

The only reason to manhandled her away is if you don’t have answers.


He did look a little caught in the headlights. Your approach would have been much better.

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Mind you, it does transpire that this women might not be exactly what she is claiming to be.

There are reports on Twitter claiming that she is called Audrey White, and was expelled from the party for antisemitism

Thanks. He said the same on Times Radio. Funny as hell watching the presenters faces on the one you posted


Think it sounded as though Starmer was trying to get him to back off. I think he did look genuinely sad about the ten points bit, but utterly confused over the part about that shitrag.

I could just be abysmal at reading faces though mind.

The presenter at the final debate collapsed and fainted. Thankfully she is okay but sunak vs truss is cancelled for tonight

The Truss effect.

old school tranquilizer GIF

FFS says it all!