UK Politics Thread (Part 2)



Letā€™s stop and pause from the quagmire that is this thread to look at just how big a shameless, repulsive arsehole Johnson is. Nobody wants him, sub-human, with less honour than most people locked up in prison and yet heā€™s still working behind the scenes to hang on tooth and nail to the top job. Boris Fucking Johnson.

Please fuck off from the PM position before you taint everything that was ever good about Britain, if itā€™s not already too late.


Before I get onto the Brexity stuff hereā€™s another jewel. A full and thorough investigation by all accounts. The Met police smells super fishy.

Right Brexit, urgh.

Firstly, it was a massively flawed process in setting up the referendum. The question never had a yes / no, stay / leave answer. Far too complex an issue for that.

Second problem was the country putting their faith in Johnson to deliver ā€œsomethingā€. It was always going to be a screw up and I bet he had the ERG members whispering in his ear while twisting his arm behind his back. Both him and Frost.

Which leads to me the major point of how poorly informed people were and still are in many cases. I include myself in that but have tried to catch up. Just read the comments on that Simon Calder vid further up etc. and its pretty clear many people had very little idea what they were being asked to vote on. Again I include myself in that but having caught up a little Iā€™m comfortable with that choice. Many simply havenā€™t caught up.

Anyway we have left and thatā€™s the end of that saga. The only thing to focus on now is trying to get the EU and the UK back around the table (without Truss or Sunak anywhere near it) to address the issues. That doesnā€™t happen overnight.

10 years. An entire childhood, or adolescence. For what? What will the benefits be after this period of pain? Genuine question

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I should have something ready to copy and paste. Once Iā€™ve put the kids to bed in about an hour Iā€™ll type out a response.

Cheers. Genuinely interested. Mine are down an hour ago. I couldnā€™t cope without this child-free period in the evening!

Mine are still up watching the England Euros semifinal!



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Itā€™s worth remembering that Andy Burnham could have been Labour Leader and possibly the Prime Minister had he stood for a more progressive agenda when Corbyn wiped the floor with him. As it was, he was pushing the same MOR austerity lite bullshit that Yvette Cooper (who I also like) and Liz Kendall (who I definitely donā€™t) were promoting at the time.

If he stands again - and he really should be positioning himself for the leadership if Starmer fails to win the next election - heā€™d have my vote, but itā€™s a shame it took him losing that contest and going off to be Mayor of Manchester for what should have been obvious eight years to to sink in.


Ok, I voted leave. It has been an absolute car crash from start to finish! So do you feel better for that? Has it changed anything? No! Do you feel healed? I hope so!
The thing is, people live in an world of bitterness and resentment and refer to anyone who voted to leave as delusional, why? I guess it is because they feel their opinion is more important than anyone else, this is very childish! It is like, the vote didnā€™t go my way, and so that gives me the right to stamp my feet and mumble under my breath about how my future has been destroyed. Really!!
I like reading your posts, so please do not take it personally, but to blame everything on Brexit and stating that people who voted for it as being delusional has no substance.
Have you actually asked yourself why the majority of the voters opted to leave? Have you questioned why the remain campaign did not do enough to convince the public to vote for them?
So, to you and other remainers do you want to live a life of self pity and I told you so, or do you want to get on with it?

ā€˜I won! You lost!ā€™. Yes, thatā€™s what we are upset about. :laughing:

There were a number of independent fact checking websites which I personally used to fact check all the bullshit that team Leave came out with. Some of us are upset that 37.4% of the UK adult population are incapable of doing due diligence, because if they had, they would have realised all roads from Vote Leave lead to a festering turd.

Thatā€™s completely on you.


The point here is and I take your point on the language used but for something to be fixed you need to realise itā€™s broken. That step seems to be too far for many.

But there is also the question of what exactly is broken. In the UK right now thereā€™s lots and the current Brexit deal is one of them. The decision to leave is done, weā€™ve made our bed but letā€™s at least try and make it comfortable and not one where a tiny percentage of the population live in luxury while the rest are on a bed of nails.

To achieve this people need to understand the problems but the dispute is so bitter people will not look and try to understand what those issues are. For example the queues in Dover. Itā€™s not the French being the problem here, itā€™s the deal our government negotiated combined with a failure to provide the infrastructure to manage that deal. Ask many a Brexiteer that and they will blindly blame the French.


Itā€™s not on anyone, I know the middle class ones on here who pretend to be socialists etc and like to think they are working class because they had a state education etc but were lucky enough to elevate themselves from areas that people use to think was shit holes etc and good on them.

But please do fuck off with the attitude that you knew/know whatā€™s best for the country and especially with the disdain for the people who voted, 6 years on the superiority complex still runs rife, yes we get it you are all fantastic, you claim to want whatā€™s important for the working class and then love to show your disdain for them when you can.

And then all try and pretend you are labour supporters who represent the ideals of the working class.

Democracy was served in the result, maybe we should have asked the UN to monitor the vote at the time,because the hatred towards the actual democratic vote is a joke, but as stated the new middle class knows best for everyone by the looks


Your first 2 sentences contradict everything youā€™ve written underneath. You Leavers clearly donā€™t get it, probably never will, so thereā€™s really not much point in discussing further

Still looking forward to this

This guy seems genuinely intelligent and interesting. Heā€™d easily get my vote if I was English. And yet, heā€™s nowhere any position of power. His own choice? Or is the system so flawed that genuinely intelligent people donā€™t get a chance to get to the top?

I remember my uncle voted for Burnham as Labour leader when he was up against Corbyn in 2015. Burnham is more a man of practicalities than principles which is what you actually want in a leader. To my mind, Corbyn wasnā€™t suited as a leader - he is exactly what you want from a backbencher where I think he could be quite effective but he always lacked that sense of realpolitik.


Thatā€™s not quite true.

He was a Labour frontbencher, and was elected as Mayor of Manchester.

At some point soon he will return to Westminster and will be the natural candidate to be leader of the Labour Party.

On reflection, you are right. Itā€™s only my future, and the future of my children, thatā€™s been destroyed. Itā€™s no big deal. I should probably stop going on about it. :rofl: