UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

But then why would these same people switch votes to Tories, who have NEVER been for anything to do with the working classes? Hell, they’re not even for the so-called middle classes

Don’t know, just goes to show how fucked up the country is when our political parties are a joke across the board, if they put aside differences and was actually made to perform for the country as an institution instead of the heckling snobbery twats they come across in parliament shouting here here …then maybe we’d get somewhere …but it’s fucked and rotten to the core imo


Why do you think being anti-EU is such a strong part of the identity of what you identify as a Labour voter?

Well most people I know who voted labour traditionally who are over 40 have been active over many years wanting out of the EU, and when they were promised a referendum by Blair they thought they would get the chance , alas the Murdoch loving snake betrayed them and that began a toxicity that left many looking for alternatives, hence why Farage and ukip was able to tap into, at least there seemed to be someone saying what many felt in regards to certain issues.

Yes many here will slate Farage simply because he was anti EU and wanted out like many millions wanted out.

And what many here don’t seem to comprehend is that for many people mass migration was/is an issue , which constantly gets ignored with howls of racists etc …so if people keep getting ignored on what matters to them, then they look for parties that offer something which can relate too.

Which as we all know is dangerous , but what do people expect when they get ignored by the same parties who serve to look at their own self interests and that of a “new world order” that they throw out every few years ?


You’re merely restating that it’s a strong part of the identity, you’re not telling me why…

I think that they deserved a voice, although when many of them want to restrict immigration to keep the browns out, one can hardly blame others for calling them racist?

Unfortunately this falls too much into the language of conspiracy theorists for me to take this part seriously…

Not really a conspiracy when you can view numerous politicians stating the words “new world order”…although the latest part has changed slightly to liberal world order, the point being that having global masonic members basically working for the goal of a one world government running independent nations , but putting their own global agenda above that of the nation they represent sucks .

Yes, because “new world order” is commonly used to describe a new world order, that is a world order that has been changed by some events or actions. Case in point, the shift towards home-working was described as part of the “new world order” by a Dutch politician, which the conspiracy theorists then seized upon.

This says it all. It’s always the Freemasons isn’t it? Next you’ll be telling me actually, it’s the Illuminati.

Really? That would be a good thing for sure. :+1:

Sorry mate…ran out of time. However, I managed to find this list of my reasons for leaving the EU that I posted on my facebook page the day of the referendum. Those justifications haven’t changed. When I have more time I’ll expand on these principles.

Thank you for this. On a number of these points I think the UK govt will take us backwards, rather than forwards. The current one is certainly proving that. But good to know that not everyone voted leave because of the threat of Turkey joining and immigrants taking our jobs. Though I suspect you’re in the minority


It’s really interesting stuff, but I’d argue that in the case of points 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 leaving the EU has actually taken us backwards.

Sam Tarry, Shadow Transport Minister has been sacked. Media are reporting this is due to him going on a picket line during the rail strike but the party are saying it is because he went on TV without clearance and didn’t follow the agreed front bench position.

Indeed, even that slimy idiot Farage flip flopped between different ideas. I guess it was down to who was paying his rent in London at the time.

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This perfectly describes Brexit. These people, Red Wall etc were prepared to leave their voting beliefs for Brexit. A Brexit they probably didn’t understand.

Is this a case of show me as a labour supporter how you call former labour supporters thick because they never voted for a party that ignores their political beliefs ?

No, because I’ve never called them thick. But when you have masses of people that decided to move away from their core political beliefs to vote for a party that has just stuck them through 9-10 years of austerity then there is something amiss somewhere.

On that basis I’ll go further and theorise that they honestly believed that Brexit would somehow make their lives better, but as with anything that involves Boris Johnson there was a cat’s chance in hell of that happening. The reality is that we’ve actually seen the divide between the poor and rich widen and this is somehow still the fault of the EU.

I’m reminded of an interview with a red wall resident who blamed the local council for closure of the local hospital, completely oblivious of the fact that such decision making is managed at a National Level i.e Westminster.

So who will get the blame next?

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Sadly migrants/refugees got weaponised.

People were told that the lack of jobs, overstretched NHS, lack of housing and overcrowded classrooms where the fault of migrants.

The reality was it was the fault of austerity after banking collapse. Migrants were and have been productive members of society. What’s worse is much of the cuts of austerity were ideological.

What’s ignored is even before Covid/Brexit the Tories had fucked the economy. As has happened time and time again in history politicians blamed someone else. The British press (Mail/S*n) joined the choir. It’s not that long ago messaging was it was due to wave after wave of refugees (like rats) are streaming into the UK.

That sowed the discord that lead to Brexit. A lie that lead to even bigger ones.

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