UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

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Boasting about it. Thatā€™s what has pissed you off. Boasting about it and rubbing it in your face.

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Disgusted, Iā€™m disgusted that these people think this way. Disgusted that they think they are better and yet half of them couldnā€™t manage their way out of a paper bag.

Jack Black Yes GIF


Liz Truss is winning this blind folded isnā€™t she!
I mean Sunak wants to give hand outs to residents of Tunbridge Wells yet we all know tories hate hand outs to others.
Whilst Liz Truss is promising to make Tunbridge Wells the fish and chip capital of the world (even if the people of Tunbridge Wells donā€™t eat fish and Chips).

I am surprised that noone has mentionned the real aim of these 2 numpties, the tory favorite, devaluation of the pound!


Is that last tweet completely true.A lot of companies tend to provide private healthcare in Ireland.While paying an excess for it,you can avail of a swiftcare clinic which covers many injuries and illnesses including breaks that require urgent care and you will be seen within an hour.
Iā€™m not saying thatā€™s the way to go as the NHS is obviously a fantasic system of healthcare,just asking about the last tweet.

Generally, I think youā€™re right, but the post-war period was a bit of an exception to that rule. It seems to me that there was a genuine attempt from all parts of societies to raise the general levels of prosperity after the shit-show of the two world wars. Do I see this too idealistically? Maybe. But my feeling is that at the time, everyone saw his own benefit in general enrichment during that period: nobody wanted a return to fascism (which grew out of the misery after WW1), the industrials and bankers wanted a rich society they could sell their products to, and the project of a common and shared wealth was real imo, even though there were differences about the ways to achieve it.

But letā€™s face it: these times have slowly gone away since the early nineties. One small and powerful part of society now works against the rest, and wants to profit from the accumulated wealth, for their own profit. In fact, all their work is focused on exactly that: the transfer from that general wealth towards the few richest ones.

All which is left of democratic and social instruments in order to battle inequalities or injustices are inherited from that post-war period, and the neocons have patiently weakened or removed them over the last three decades.

Now that in some countries, that transfer has been nearly realised, their aim becomes to keep all that wealth. Yes, making people sick (so they canā€™t hit back at them) and ignorant (so they donā€™t even recognize whatā€™s going on) is a possible long-term way. This aim comes to the fore in a more and more brutal and assumed way, especially in some third world countries. And if it isnā€™t enough, a war can always be started in order to throw the poorest on the frontline and keep the rest of the population in fear, while turning the screw further and further.

The media whores, obviously bought and controlled by this economical elite, play their role in ā€˜educatingā€™ the masses that this is the normal way, and that everyone should accept general impoverishment and hardship, as if it was a natural event nobody canā€™t control. But the reality is that a big-scale theft is taking place, and that more and more countries start to feel the effects now. God knows where it will lead us to.

(I realize that this comes across as a bit caricatural, and doesnā€™t take into account many positive tendencies in society, but in most cases, these developments donā€™t happen thanks to the governments or the economical elites, but rather despite of them).


Cross post with cost of living thread. Lib Dems pushing hard on this now.

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Has NHS funding actually increased in real terms?

Yes, i think so but at a much slower rate of increase than before 2010 (although this year it probably wont because of how high inflation is).

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