UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

I don’t think her grammar is very good either. Then nor is mine but I’m not an idiot that goes on tele as education minister and then tries to become PM.

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My hopes get built up and then…

Jack Black Yes GIF

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Oh! com’on Noo_Noo there’s nothing wrong with a 100 years of austerity and devaluation, is there?
Ok a whole bunch of nincompoops running about with union jacks and pork pies for that time does get a bit tiresome but you do have to take the good with the bad, don’t you?

One thing to note with Truss is her blind ambition. In some ways not too far removed from Boris Johnson. She will change colour, angle, twist and turn whichever way to meet her ambition. That makes her dangerous.

I’m not against people or politicians (they are not the same thing) changing their minds, I actually think its healthy provided its done for the right reasons. I dont think you can say that about Truss, her thoughts are driven solely by personal ambition.

Anyway, what are peoples thoughts on tackling the recession through tax cuts? I cant see it working given the reasons behind the recession in the first place.

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Like trying to tackle a fire by throwing petrol on it.

It’s been several centuries of that in Wales now bud. Devolution has been another Tory master stroke unfortunately. Not that I’m against more political freedom for Wales, Scotland etc. but the current half baked version we have allows us to have our hands tied behind our backs by English policy but also having our head far enough above the parapet for the government to take pot shots at the current administration. And its working. The number of people I’ve seen recently who are wholly against Labour in Wales when they should probably be looking at what has created that situation is quite alarming. I fear for our future to be honest. The Tories are changing the political landscape to ensure they can get more seats and stay in power.

ooh that felt a little heavy for a Saturday morning

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I’m sure BP and Shell will be over the moon about that

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I think the calculation is that fuel and energy prices will increase so much the country will recuperate all the tax cuts and more from the tax collected from that. Of course cigarettes and alcohol will get hit as well.
The real big problem is wages, we are in systems where taxes are going to support working people, that’s complete nonsense they should be able to win a living wage (even have to pay income tax that’s even better). The divide between rich and poor is just too great to support any system imo.
Take France which has a system that acts as an enormous buffer against recession (also means booms curbed as well) it’s just not going to work this time round imo. The UK with tax cuts will just exasperate the situation even if it’s economy is more dynamic than the French in this situation you don’t want to take the buffers away and just rely on tax flowing in from situations that are going to knock many people for 6.

Maybe but I think they plan to cut VAT on fuel as well. Not that this measure will actually tackle the problem but it does reduce their ability to recuperate the loss from any tax cuts.

Tax cuts are designed to increase spending but it just wont happen. The gap is too big.

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The way to get more money flowing around the system is to give more to the people who spend in ‘your’ country which is the poorer people. I lived for a very long time on benefits and every penny ‘they’ gave me went back into the system.
Idiots who don’t see this should not be allowed an opinion imo.
No way do tax cuts help that situation, a vision for the country and getting people back to work on decent wages does help the situation.
Pork pies just don’t cut it as a vision! :wink: :rofl:


Undoubtedly. But have they not got what they wanted? Brexit, shipping non-whites to Rwanda, culture wars exhausted. Where else can they go?

Even worse in NI, where we currently have no executive at all because of Brexit. Our entire system and every public service is paralysed at the worst time possible

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My user standing of ‘the blob’ is that it’s the insider name given to to the undefined and imaginary threat that politicians conjure up to distract people for real reason their lives are shit.

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just for context, what is the ‘%’ in the graph, given they both start at 0 in 2006, head equally for a time, then diverge…apologies if its a simple answer, but what is it a percentage of?

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@flobs sorry if thats beneath you mate, no need for that emoji but, i genuinely cant work out what the graph is… amazing that some people who portray this persona of being caring and all for equality look down on any person who doesnt immeadiately understand a pretty ambigious graphic.

cheers mate…ill try not be so stupid next time.