UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Some nice places on that list.

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Your opinion is now full of shit a far as I`m concerned :grin:

I agree with you there and usually you and me vote differently. I have lost my faith in Starmer.

At least Sir Kier is uniting peopleā€¦in derision

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Yep. Ironically for the tories (those who claim to be pro free market) and libertarian thickos, the best way to ensure energy market works effectively is clearly articulated and long term government planning and legislation around carbon reduction. An overarching legislated energy policy reduces the risks around the sort of long term big investments the sector needs which in turn increases the sustainability and profitability of those investments and lowers marginal cost to consumers. Similarly, joined up legislation laying out long term rules around energy consumption and efficiency would bring outsized ROI and bring a massive new source of profitability and jobs. Scummy anti government libertarian cave dwellers are unwilling to acknowledge this.


Youā€™ve lost your faith in Starmer? Ok, but heā€™s still the best alternative surely and you wonā€™t change your vote? This is the point about a FPP system like the UK, Starmer doesnt necessarily need to wow you but he does need to appeal to those who may otherwise consider voting tory. His stodgy persona and cautious political positioning is probably an asset here.


Exactly this. Iā€™m no great fan of his, but give me Starmer as PM over Truss any day of the week.


Whatā€™s your thoughts about the Scottish first minister?

Iā€™d say that she is quite capable. Certainly more of a diplomat than the recent Westminster politicians. I think you have to judge the devolved parliaments of the limitations of what they can do. Opposition parties often hurl insults at the devolved leaders over their handling of certain issues (e.g. energy or drugs policy) that they donā€™t have control over. TBH, this has been the way the Tories have behaved for decades - blame someone else for things that they themselves are responsible for, ignore matters that they have direct control over, or blame other people for things that the other party was not responsible for (e.g. the big lie that Gordon Brown was somehow solely responsible for the 2008 crash).

The Starmer stuff pisses me off.

No he isnā€™t perfect and there are obvious frustrations with his cautious appeals to the middle ground.

But the choice at the next election is going to be Starmer or Truss, and anyone who enables Truss into four more years because they want a different labour leader is just thick, frankly.

We have a binary choice. Anyone who wants to vote for a more radical left alternative should be campaigning tooth and nail to ditch FOTP and establish a voting system that allows greater freedom in voting without benefiting the Tories.

But until then, Starmer or Truss. Truss or Starmer. If you have a vote and you donā€™t use it for Starmer you are de facto voting for Truss.


I hear what you are saying. I canā€™t ever see myself voting tory unless i have taken mind altering drugs.
I am just disappointed with him. He should be supporting the Unions. Mick Lynch speaks for me tbh, particularly with the cost of living crisis and he calls out these CEOs fleecing off public and their staff with their gigantic bonuses, even during the pandemic.


Bottom line is labour canā€™t win by appealing to labour voters.

You go for an Corbyn or a Lynch it energises the base, but you lose middle England. Strategically Labour are not winning back Scotland anytime soon. Their core working class base is still split on Brexit.

The sensible play is being boring. Left enough to still be electable by labour voters, competent enough and not too radical to attract middle England. Itā€™s not inspiring but UK is a largely conservative country, the press is largely right leaning, the the constituency boundaries favour the Tories.

Twitter call Starmer a red Tory, I donā€™t believe anything of the sort. I think he is cynically playing the game.


Mascot, i am just having a moan about Starmer. I doesnā€™t mean I am going to vote Conservative. I wish I could vote for Mick Lynch. He is decent, honest and straight forward, he speaks up for all of us key workers.


He does. He is just trying to avoid a situation where he and the shadow cabinet appear on picket lines and get hammered for it, as @ISMF says he has to tread carefully to win the trust of those outside of the party if he wants to see Labour return to power.

I think the RMT and one of the other major unions involved in the strike are not Labour affiliated are they?


Given his views (or at least those I have seen attributed to him, ) on Brexit, the EU and Ukraine situation, I wouldnā€™t want to give him my vote.

I think they were at some point, until 2004.
ā€œThe RMT is also affiliated to the Labour Representation Committee, a pressure group which aims to promote traditional socialist principles within the Labour Party.ā€ (google source).

You made a fair point that Starmer has to tread carefully, I understand, i just get frustrated with him when he doesnā€™t speak up, but the other opposition parties do.

With regards to his views on EU, I will have to read up on it. My impression of him from the interviews, he seems to speak for the workers who are not being heard. This government is basically on holiday, nobody is taking responsibility.

Honestly, there no good leaders in any of the UK mainstream parties, we are so unlucky. I am sure there some good people with integrity there who care about what is happening to this country and not just wanting power, but they will never be allowed to be leader.
Sorry, I am just frustrated of what is happening.


That is basically his job scope, isnā€™t it?

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Itā€™s absolutely disgusting how this isnā€™t attracting more attention from the British media.

Oh waitā€¦

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Anyhow, we are stuck with Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak.

Who is the better one of the worst of the two? It is like choosing between two devils who are going to decide your fate.

I detest ā€˜Rishiā€™ and his non-dom approach to being chancellor of the exchequer but he has a veneer (it may only be that) of being serious whereas Liz Truss really is the female Boris (canā€™t be assed being across her brief, shameless about lying and someone who couldnā€™t hold up the pretence of being a normal human being if they had a five minute conversation) but with perhaps added loon as she seems a creature of the ERG.

I expect Truss will be worse for the country but may (perhaps) make a change in government more likely. Or perhaps even a return to Boris in 2023.

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