UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

:frowning_face: :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

I don’t know why I thought Liz Truss was the more moderate of the two! I don’t think I can bear another two years of either of them tbh.

You think Boris may return, in what way?

I can see Truss (and the current circumstances) leading to her self combusting within 9 months from where it is still plausible that the Tory party give a ‘humbled, wiser’ Boris another go as PM. if he stays in parliament it will be with this very hope.

Great article in the graun:


God no.
I think Truss is an arsehole as well btw.

How the fuck did we end up with so many incompetent people in politics :frowning:


How fucking dare she say people are lazy? People are working their arses off and still can’t afford fuel, food, essentials.



Can’t disagree with anything you say, but all points towards Scottish and Irish independence. Why should we continue to be beholden to English/Welsh Tories and a Labour Party that is scared to be itself because of what middle England might think?

What’s a Welsh Tory look like(very rare sight as far as I know)?

A must watch for the many Boris fans on here September 21st mark it on your calendar(I know I have)

Should be a thrilling watch :poop:

No idea sorry. More referring to Brexit happening due to England/Wales votes, against the wishes of NI/Scotland

Your kidding right, Sunak is the most false guy I have seen in politics!
He makes Blair look like an amateur just beginning primary school.
Believe me this type is the most dangerous.
You know what your getting with Truss, an idiot! Sunak you haven’t a clue what hole your going down next, anyone who prefers him is mad!


A really dangerous one IMO. Firstly she’s not exactly the sharpest tool in the box as you say but she is driven by ambition. She voted remain, switched to Leave when she saw a chance of a cabinet job. Used to be a Liberal Democrat but now a Tory because …, you get my drift. She will twist and turn etc. faster than a rattlesnake.


You do realise I live in France?
This is normal political behaviour from what I see, :cry:


That’s a difficult one, I lived in Scotland for many years and was pro-independence.

What I would say though is that the SNP and Starmers Labour are not a million miles apart. Both essentially progressive centre parties. If Starmer gets into power there is less toxicity, less immediate reason to leave.

The central theme is not like the current Tories of xenophobia, corruption and looking after me, myself and I.


I thought we had it bad here! maybe not so much…

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Starmer better than Truss is unquestionable but surely we can aspire for better?

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It’s bad everywhere at the moment

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23/6/2016. That’s how. The opportunists in the Conservative party rose to the top under such conditions while the intellectual Conservatives, those likely to have voted Remain, got pushed to the side.


Just for @Flobs