UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Could start by defunding ‘public’ schools.


Even better would be to cut the number of politicians in Westminister and reduce the amount of leaches we are funding to do fuck all


theres no need to be absolutely fucking ridiculous.


Not sure how the due process is like, but I am seeing that Liz is quite far ahead of Sunak, does that mean that its really only down to these 2 choices for PM or some spanner can be thrown into the works and a new candidate appears? The results will be known in early Sep?

Yes, just these two choices. There were more candidates at the start but there were several rounds of voting by Conservative party MPs to whittle down to final two. The membership of the party then vote which of the two they want to lead the party and become PM. I think it gets announced 1st week of September?

Oh ok so the absolutely means nobody else can be like nominated or throw their names in for consideration then…I do get that most people on here do not fancy any of these two, but in any case, I wish that the next leader would do something good for you all in the UK.

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Just wondering (probably kopstar could answer) but could the queen for whatever reason, dissolve parliament thus stopping this shitshow continuing? As in " my subjects are fucked with energy prices, and one feels the incompetence of one’s parliament to form a government for my subjects is one that needs to be addressed"

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In theory perhaps she could. But in practice she would want to take advice from Ministers. Would still lead to her asking the Conservatives to form a government as they are the largest party in Parliament - and since they are already choosing the new leader (I’m not sure she can force a GE), there is no point in her getting involved.

if you go to google for every answer though…

That is exactly what the Tories want to do, and swallow up adjacent non Tory constituencies in the process

Perhaps the queen can go and ask Google ?

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UK has 650 seats in parliament and 750 in the house of lords.

You could cut parliament down to no more than 500. And just expand each constituency by roughly 1/3 either in area or by population and even 500 would probably still be too many

There goes all the labour seats in Devon! :see_no_evil:

Technically you’re voting for the party, this isn’t the USA.

Yes and that is exactly the plan of the Tory party. They want to reorganise constituency borders so that they can reduce the number of opposition seats and / or reduce majorities in opposition held seats.

While the principle sounds fine the detail is completely wrong, especially under our First Past the Post System. It would basically condemn the UK to Tory rule, even with this utterly useless bunch in power. We’d be a fascist state within a year or two

Completely disagree. Some of the scum was already floating around before the rot firmly set in. Look at Gove, Johnson, Duncan Smith, et al.

The uk has always been a tory state.

Labours longest stint in power was under blair but prior to that i dont remember any labour government getting a 2nd term although my British history is not as good as others on here so am happy to be corrected if wrong

Yep but the last 12 years has seen a shift so far to the right that moderate conservatism is seen as one step away from Socialism.


It’s probably useful to not really think of the Conservative party as the same thing it was in the sixties and seventies, and even the eighties and nineties.

Since Brexit the party has been captured by a lunatic eurosceptic fringe, and the moderate elements have been expelled or pushed to the margins.


The shift to the right started with Thatcher but was not corrected by Blair.

New Labour were just Tory Lite.