UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Poor comms? The following thread discusses what it might be aiming to tackle - identification of those most at need of additional support.

Good idea or not, itā€™s so difficult for anybody to get a GP appointment these days that winter will be over before they manage to see anyone.

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I canā€™t see any GPs being attacked at all if this happens.


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Labour polls better when it comes up with an idea.


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This is where the comment about poor comms comes in - The idea makes more sense if you read the thread.

This proposal in the thread isnt really aimed at the current energy/cost of living crisis but is trying to solve an issue that has been around for over a decade. Itā€™s already a small pilot. It also says it wouldnā€™t need a GP. There would be costs for GP practices that would need to be met but if it works then it should lead to reduced costs for the NHS down the line so it makes sense as a spend to save measure.

Finally, its not being pushed (in the thread) as a replacement for more direct support through existing channels.

Disagree, he was leader for more than a year before the really damaging revelations came out.

And when I say really damaging, I mean things that damage him with the Tory base.

Upon seeing that first time I was highly suspicious of it but having thought through it I can see some of the logic and it my anger has grown at the idea. Not because of what it would do but more the hypocracy of it.

The Tories are actively diving the NHS into the ground. And yet every time they need to reach out to the population and mobilise some way of reaching all corners of it they turn to the NHS. The Covid vaccines were organised and administered by the NHS and hereā€™s another example of it.

These fuckers know the ability an value of the NHS and are hell bent on destroying it.


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It could be difficult to implement on a practical level. GPs would suddenly have a new level of responsibility on top of what is already a stressful job. They would be liable to attack by disappointed claimants, vulnerable to coercion or bribery and overloaded with extra work. If the government is prepared to increase the number of GPs to cover this extra burden it might be feasible, but we all know that isnā€™t going to happen.


GP Practices already have a list of things they can ā€˜prescribeā€™ for vulnerable patients so this isnā€™t all that new as a concept.

As mentioned above, it wouldnā€™t necessarily require a GP to do this. I think the important thing is that this is more about identifying the most vulnerable needing this support many of whom GP practices would already have some idea of or contact with.

True, and yet we know the NHS will find a way, and it will work. Government walk way claiming success and glory while beating them over the head with the other hand.

This is Tory standard practice. They do this kind of thing all the time. Worth looking up Andy Burnham on what they did with Manchester Bus Services. Basically, they reduced funding or made it more difficult and then blamed Manchester Councils for the problems.


Same with TFL.


This would only be necessary if these vuneranle people had been discarded already by the system. Which is the case. Itā€™s sticking plasters on the problems already created!

All Iā€™m seeing with this GPā€™s connection to the energy crisis is another excuse to carry on ā€œseeingā€ patients remotely. Win.



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Thereā€™s one of those Question and Answer interviews with Ken Clarke in the Guardian that I thought was interesting. Heā€™s not particularly my line of politics but I did always think he spoke a lot of sense.

ā€œIn the short term, weā€™ve got to go through probably a very serious economic crisis. Iā€™ve felt for some time that weā€™re bound to have a very severe recession. And if weā€™re not careful, itā€™s going to be combined with very bad inflation, which does social, as well as economic damage. Brace yourself for it, but living standards generally are going to fall for the first time for a long timeā€