UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Crazy to think the right wingers de Jure of the Tory party now look like the wettest of wets relative to the crazies of the ERG etc today

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If you are talking about Ken, he was never a right winger. He was always a centrist, reasonable one nation Tory. Probably a big reason he never got the leadership that he should have is that he couldn’t appeal to the batshit right wingers in the membership.


nathan fillion castle GIF

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Wow, wish I’d have known that about 30 years ago. Ah…….

But thanks for the A level 1st year psychology reference. Pretty sure we did it at primary school (along with colouring in and Jesus)

You do understand that I hate this government don’t you? Posted same enough times. Still less shite than Labour IMHO and you well know that’s saying something.

eggs checker :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


More bolshie, trotskyite, workshy, lazy, lowlife hooligans holding the country to ransom:


Good piece from one of them here:

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I just wonder how bad things have to get before you’d vote Labour. The country is on fire. Now criminal barristers are striking. There has never been a government this riddled with ineptitude, corruption and callousness. We have a COL crisis looming to which they have no answers. Nada. There isn’t even any kind of functioning government right now.

The fact that you think Labour are worse than this says more about you than them, sadly.


Yep, that I’m brilliantly well informed, good looking and tempted to go for MP. Tremble :wink:

I won’t vote Labour either and I live in Liverpool. Corrupt cunts run this city.


Who would you vote instead?

Well, the only way to get rid of Labour in Liverpool is to vote Lib Dem. But it won’t happen.

Even for MP?

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Anybody would think that politics and corruption go hand in hand.


The sad reality of our voting system is that anyone who says they won’t vote Labour are de facto voting Tory, unless they live in a constituency where the Lib Dem’s are the more likely challengers.

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In my area if you’re voting for anyone bar Plaid Cymru you’re effectively voting Conservative.

Any vote for the liberals, greens, or even an independent is actually a Tory vote.

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You two seem to forget what the illusion of democracy is ? That you can vote for whoever you want to …so voting for porthcawl independence party is not a vote for the Tories etc, if the Tories win the next election it’s a case that people simply chose not to vote labour

Really it’s on Labour to give people a reason to vote for them.

Not being tories is a compelling reason, but it shouldn’t be the only one. How about a bit of convincing leadership, some policies which are clear, that sort of thing.