UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Not sure what the point would be of offering clear policies this far away from a general election. Flawed though they may have been, Corbyn offered a slate of policies. They were rejected in favour of not very much more than ‘get Brexit done’ and a fuzzy statement on net zero.

Right now, Labour is in Opposition. Their role is to oppose and criticize. They are at least a year away from needing to be a credible government in waiting, and a year can be a long time in politics.


This, a million times this.

3 years too soon.

No it is not lost on me. The problem is that with the voting system and the political party set up your vote can carry a weight equal to +1 or 0 depending on your selection. A zero can literally mean giving your vote away to a party you may have zero interest in.

Up here a vote for Labour is effectively a vote for the Tories. That’s because your vote reduces the majority of the incumbent.

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I understand how our democracy is supposed to work.

The problem is that our system routinely puts one party in power with the approval of about 40% of the vote and something like 25% of the electorate.

And the wonderful Westminster system will reward that party with absolute power to do anything they want.

So the reality is that if you vote for anyone other that the two main contestees for your seat, you might as well take your ballot paper, wipe your arse on it, and flush it down the toilet.


:see_no_evil: :pleading_face: :frowning_face: This woman is dangerous for the world, not just the UK.

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Seriously? How can someone say that?

Funny how that question has been framed in a different way to how it was asked to Corbyn. Back then every paper in the land destroyed him for saying he would have difficulty pushing the button, whereas T May had no problem


It’s a bullshit question that they ask every potential PM. It’s to see whether they are a hard bastard or not.

The thing is, there is no nuclear button sitting in a suitcase for the PM to press. The submarines that carry the weapons are given instructions on what to do in the case of nuclear war in advance and those will be tied into a whole chain of command that relates to the countries allies and total defence strategy. The instructions may well say to go to a specific location and await instructions from one of the other armed forces. They may say to sail to a safe port and contact a NATO ally.

The question that they should be asking is what would be their instructions to the armed forces be after she had been killed in a nuclear strike. The correct answer would be that they would act in accordance to the defence plans agreed amongst the NATO allies.

The problem is that these characters go wanking themselves off imagining that they sit next to a button cackling manically at their ultimate power. Unfortunately, these sad bastards end up in charge of the country.


Here is the video. She could have said something along the lines that peaceful negotiation is more important and she would nor let it get to the stage of pressing the nuclear button.


She could have. But that would have required an ounce of intelligence.

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The woman who flipped from Remain to Leave and from Lib-Dem to Tory is clearly going to say whatever gets Conservative voters to vote for her. Her line is what they want to hear.


Will tell any lie loud enough to get elected and then forget about outlandish pledges completely by saying “yes I know what I said but in reality we can’t do it, sorry :woman_shrugging:

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She’d have to be able to find the button. She’d probably try to launch our nuclear deterrent, and end up switching off the telly. Or vice versa.


This is every government ever elected.
Closely followed by
“we would do what we said we would,but the previous government…”

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