UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

They should just stick to British voting! We don’t want your fancy foreign voting systems here!!! What’s wrong with a party taking complete control over the legislative process on 25% of the electorate? I like my voting meaningless etc etc

And they shouldn’t stop there. Parliament needs root and branch reform. There is a word for what it needs…ah yes…an enema.

Wonder what he had done?

Reverse Pinocchio procedure


Shocked Oh No GIF by Yêu Lu

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Why do so many bend over backwards to defend this guy?


Probably because when BoJo goes, these sycophants will also be swept out with the new broom…

Here’s a far more authoritative view

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That doesn’t sound very specific to me, more of a steam roll type thing.

Anyone dare to share any thoughts on potential conversations between Lebedev and Johnson on this? His constant need to go chasing good publicity stories to save his bacon? I doubt he’d give 2 monkeys in private

Always worth highlighting a twonk being a twonk. Old clip but clear warning f what was to come.

Dominic Raab is such a thick gormless cunt

Under the government’s proposed Bill of Rights, ministers would be able to ignore future such injunctions, known as Rule 39 orders, because they are not technically part of international law.

Mr Raab, who is responsible for changes to constitutional laws, said: "The Bill of Rights will strengthen our UK tradition of freedom, whilst injecting a healthy dose of common sense into the system.

“We will be very clear in domestic law that Rule 39 interim orders do not bind UK courts or indeed public bodies or officials.”

Someone should refer him to Mamatkulov and Askarov v. Turkey 4 February 2005 (judgment of the Grand Chamber)

…the Court reiterated that, by virtue of Article 34, States which had ratified the Convention undertook to refrain from any act or omission that might hinder the effective exercise of an individual applicant’s right of application. A failure to comply with interim measures had to be regarded as preventing the Court from effectively examining the applicant’s complaint and as hindering the effective exercise of his or her right and, accordingly, as a violation of Article 34.

Having regard to the material before it, the Court therefore concluded that, by failing to comply with the interim measures indicated under Rule 39 of the Rules of Court, Turkey was in breach of its obligations under Article 34 of the Convention.

Or a previous one involving the UK

Al-Saadoon and Mufdhi v The United Kingdom

Where the UK ignored a Rule 39 order but said to the ECHR,

“… the Government took the view that, exceptionally, it could not comply with the measure indicated by the Court; and further that this action should not be regarded as a breach of Article 34 in this case. The Government regard the circumstances of this case as wholly exceptional. It remains the Government policy to comply with Rule 39 measures indicated by the Court as a matter of course where it is able to do so.”


Blatant lying by Johnson even in 2014? How can this be?


Mick’s had a good couple of days, his no nonsense/sticking to the facts approach appears to throw many of the media personalities off their game.

One thing this rail strike debate has illuminated to me is how many people who have very little knowledge feel confident to broadcast their idiotic opinions. Facts are second to political ideologies. These culture wars are incredibly tiresome.