UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

My neolithic friends? You have me at a disadvantage here. If this is an insult (and for your sake I hope it isn’t) it’s shite.

It’s probably a poor pun on shaking spears?


And I like the If this is an insult (and for your sake I hope it isn’t) bit. :rofl:

Fixed. Given the BS conversation about death penalty etc that proceeded it. Neolithic seems an apt description of his politics…

And of course I’m very worried now that I may have offended him. So I will go to bed.


Death to you!


I love the 3rd person me. If you’re going to hurl insults, throw them directly. That way I can take the piss out of you directly. Don’t hide, does you no favours.

I’m surprised Nadine is on there, the principle of it all, ya know?

Far be it for me to support Klopptimist, but;

Spelling of Shakespeare's name - Wikipedia.

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Careful now.
You agree with him on one thing and he’ll suck you in and you’ll be agreeing with him on everything :grin:

There is absolutely no chance of that, I can assure you :wink:

I was really hopeful when I saw this, but apparently, Aftenposten’s Pay wall is too powerful for me to read this article without subscribing :frowning:

Just put asterix everywhere that’ll do.



‘The Gaul’ (French)? I can’t see that going down well with Truss. :nerd_face:

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My seven year old is getting into Asterix at the moment and when he’s tired he likes if I read them to him. Funny rereading them and noticing all the pun names that went over my head as a kid.

Anticlimax,for instance, as the main British protagonist was gold


wasnt it druid getafix or something…

pure gold


As I commented earlier, growing suspicion Johnson eyeing a return to PM in 2023:

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The trouble is that populists actually have to be popular. Johnson is loathed.

Conservative party can replace Truss once they decide she’s not a vote winner. Certainly plausible this will happen and that Johnson could then be chosen and with massaged polling a ‘humbler, wiser’ Boris who claims to ‘have learnt lessons and has a plan’ returns as PM. Perhaps it’s not likely but it is certainly plausible and perhaps also not unlikely. Which is batshit crazy and scary.