UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

I think it will be the opposite. He will come back with the claim that he was wrongly kicked out because of a coup. That is how he and his cloaest allies are framing it now and i see that continuing.

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What’s the female equivalent of a fall guy?

Theresa May?


With all due respect, that’s pretty naïve.

I know those with the strongest voices tend to over-represent the population that think like them, but you clearly haven’t been to neutral message boards. There must be millions that are actually angry that he was given the boot. Also, terribly shit competition, but the fact that Johnson is the chosen PM when compared to both Truss and Sunak in polls, by a clear margin, is also fucking scary.

He has a very good chance of getting back in* if he somehow weasels his way back into the Conservative leadership - which also is very likely. Remember, the way this works is that Starmer only needs to make a single mistake to lose the entire middle ground. Any party that’s even slightly left of centre only gets one shot while those on the right are free to do what they want and will be forgiven by the public. Johnson v2 vs Starmer would make things very interesting at the 2024/2025 GE.

*of winning at the next GE


You might ask why I think his public popularity was shot when given the boot but that he’d stand a chance of getting back in. Two words: Sunlit Uplands. It’s how Brexit happened. That’s how we also have a large portion of the public thinking they made a mistake supporting the removal of Johnson because of how bad the two choices are, instantly forgetting all the appalling shit he’s done or overseen, and long for him to be back.


I was even wondering whether he was bailing out given that the shit is seriously hitting the fan at the moment only for him to return with some half-baked, oven-ready plan to bugger the country up again.

My comment regarding Theresa May was largely that others wanted some patsy to take the blame for the unsolvable mess that they had created. Whilst I dislike May’s politics intensely, I genuinely think she thought she was acting through a sense of duty.

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I find it utterly incredible that Johnson still has support from some people in this country. The Daily Express would support him again in a heartbeat having gone balls deep with him already.


I think you’re underestimating how many people are influenced by his optimism, and aren’t willing or able to think critically. Combined with believing everything they read in papers


Taking back control

Hope we send them Germans one of our top models as revenge

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In fairness the Audi is the preferred marque of the self absorbed egotistical twat.

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Just a quick Google to see which car Pep drives.


A quick Google shows that he has driven many cars of various marques and that he has fucked them all up at great expense. Surely he would be better off with a chauffeur, the man is a liability.

Surely it would be the BMW?

At the time of his departure, his popularity based on polls had absolutely collapsed. People wanted him gone and he had moved decisively from electoral asset to liability. That’s why the Tories got rid.

He might be planning to run again, but he’s absolutely delusional to think the public and the Conservative party would line up for him again.

BMWs are dime a dozen now that there’s the 1 and 2 series

They always used to be. In fact there was even an Audi advert that played on that stereotype. But then Audi decided that they wanted a piece of that lucrative twat market.

Never go full twat

mad people GIF

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BBC not reporting this yet the last I checked.

Full twat is all I have.