UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

I’d put you more in the fuckwit bracket myself. :wink:

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Oof. Boris Johnson is back. With his holidays and continual absences, I was worried nobody was at the ‘political spin’ wheel, but nope, he’s back. And on Tory script no less. The day after polls showed Tory support at its lowest in like forever, he’s blaming the UK energy crisis and the lack of nuclear power plants on the last Labour government and going hard at them. This is 2 days after ‘taking part’ in police raids. He’s definitely back and looking to get re-elected. Bless.


Not sure where this statement is from but it cant be real can it?

Even better :slightly_frowning_face:

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Ladies and Gentlemen, your Prime Minister responds to the cost of living crisis.

And sone of you think he’s getting back in number ten :rofl:

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Says a lot about the country doesn’t it?

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He’s never seen or paid an electricity bill in his life.

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I bet he’s thanking his lucky stars the EU got rid of 3kW kettles. :rofl:

Or boiled a kettle, does he even know what one looks like?

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Thing is, as much as I want to pooh pooh the idea, it will probably happen

How early can a no confidence vote be put through after the new PM is in place?

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Or is it more a suspicion that the UK public are just a bit thick and will forget just what a lying prick this twat actually is?

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Just dawned on me that Boris is telling us to get more efficient kettles after arguing that EU rules on efficiency are useless.

Fuck off.


He’s also saying he doesn’t know how a kettle works or how to clean one. If it takes too long to boil it’s either underpowered or lined with lime scale. Vinegar is an answer, I even use this trick in my washing machine. I’m sure even @Klopptimist will agree with me on this one. :wink:


I think we were saying the same things…?

True, but one should never turn down the opportunity to call Boris, or any tory a twat

No, yours is French so the plug is wrong to start with :wink: