UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

That it was the Daily Heil was bad enough.

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It may surprise people how some “newspapers” considered left wing supported hitler.

I love the mail,it always tells me how much someone’s outfit cost and the price of their property no matter how irrelevant it is to the story

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I feel this is an evidence of how weak and worthless Lizz is going to be. Her potential rivals have started their campaign already.

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Liz is a strong and independent woman who knows her own mind and will win the British people with her strong response when those Argies invade the Falklands again


Boris Johnson’s real tragedy is that he was too nice to rule over the nasty party: SARAH VINE has been alongside the PM during some of the most pivotal moments of his life. His enemies will sneer at her verdict - but they don’t know him like she does

Is that because she was impregnated by him?

I didn’t read beyond the headline, which was enough.

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Speculation markets, these fucking fuckwit things will drag us even further into the cess pit. :cry:

She is (or was?) married to Michael Gove. They announced their separation a couple of months ago and were in the process of getting divorced.

What’s the point? Decision has already been made and this will have zero bearing on it


Is this where they “know” the outcome and now they pretend to be lovey dovey and grown up? “Look we have our differences but the country is what matters” sort of messaging?

It smacks of a party political broadcast to placate the general population. Should it even be allowed, seeing as the bbc is supposed to b neutral?

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Not a chance anymore. Not with the people that run it and Kuenssberg fronting a politics show.

It’s clever to be honest. Rather than the in your face full Trump Fox news bullcrap the is GB News we get some nice subtle under the radar push towards the right.


Levelling up - the worst load of tasteless condescending crap ever spouted by this shower of pathetic patronising wanknoodles.


Just another lie.

Came across this article which is an interesting perspective which also falls in line with @Mascot’s thoughts a little while ago. Kind of has an ominous feeling to it.

Capping medical student numbers?? WTF next?


Fight Club Punch GIF

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Truss is now advocating trickle down economics :see_no_evil:

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I have no qualms about that, if the funds were distributed appropriately, e.g. London has some of the highest poverty rates.

Given all that’s been said about how the funds were distributed, i.e. to Conservative-voting constituencies, I have no faith in that happening.

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Do you seriously think that the Tories ever had the slightest intention of redistributing wealth and opportunities fairly?


Normal practice is to cut funding in those areas and then focus blame on the Labour lead council.

It works. You end up with people like Trev, blaming their local Labour MP for hospital closures. It’s how they won the red wall.


FUCK OFF you talentless, pointless, useless, charachterless and badly dressed moron. Almost threw the kettle at the TV.

On the plus side, 3 female PMs with the conservatives.