UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

What a complete mess the UK has become. The world too for that matter.

For the UK I’m putting the blame at the feet at Cameron. His austerity policies while siphoning off public money into private companies widened the poverty gap and destroyed public services. That created widespread anger and a vacuum into which the likes of Farage and Johnson lept into and fulfilled their personal agendas.

The world is angry and broken. We created this and can’t see it.


Agree that the government has been nowhere, but also relevant is the fact that the opposition has been nowhere.

It’s a disgrace that the main political parties have nothing to offer ( as if they give a shit since the taxpayers pay for all their bills) but the fact that the increases are expecting in what 3-4 weeks and even then we have to wait until the end of this week before Truss gives us her “vision” which considering she thinks we are a lazy nation , and then states that we have faced worse situations ( should have played rousing music etc mention the war).

And as all the bullshit of playing politics carries on people are here in real time worried about situations that will affect them and not those in the Westminster bubble.

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You shouldn’t talk about @Klopptimist like that, he’ll challenge you.

As I’ve posted I’ll add this, as a Tory voter @Klopptimist you at least believe lies and are probably a liar. :joy:

Just out of curiosity why do you blame Cameron and not Brown/ Labour?

Brown tried educating people so this wouldn’t happen, didn’t he?

The point being after ex amount of years In power labour became stale , pretty much to what the Tories are, and the Tories should have smashed labour but they didn’t, and we lurched to the horrible style of US TV debates which showed us a few things, one was they say anything , but the most important one was that clegg who would never had been anywhere near having a chance actually came off the best out of the 3 leaders at the time .

But it was browns arrogance that drove clegg to the Tories to form the alliance they had.


Brown was an incredibly capable Prime Minister, who understood economics on a level no-one in this Government could get close to.

Unfortunately for him he had absolutely no charisma with the public, who decided they preferred the Victorian moon faced Eton PR rep, who was a fucking Pygmy compared to Brown, but at least he could smile without looking like his software was glitching.

Such a shame.


Nonsense .

You say this because you are an avid labour supporter so anything you say is biased.
And the voters didn’t chose Cameron , nick clegg chose Cameron over Gordon brown to form the coalition.

The reason Labour lost the 2010 election was because a) Brown scored terribly in terms of personability. He wasn’t seen as warm or engaging, and b) the economy was a fucking shitshow, which was not Labour’s fault and would have been substantially worse had Brown not taken decisive action to prop up the economy in 2008 - yet the Tories managed to convince the public a Global Financial Crisis which started in America was somehow Brown’s fault.

And Clegg, I’m sure, would have preferred to form a coalition with Labour. The problem was that while it was debatable if the Tories won the election, it was inarguable that Labour lost it. It would have been seen as Clegg propping up a defeated PM.

He should have refused coalition, and told the Tories to form a minority government, offering support on a case by case basis. He got absolutely fuck all for his unwavering support of the Tories kicking the shit out of the most vulnerable people.

If you think I’m biased towards Labour, let’s have a conversation Tony Blair, and I’ll happily telling what I think about that Cheshire Twat.


But ain’t that the responsibility of the government to take responsibility for the economy? Are you suggesting that the state on the economy now is not Boris’s fault given the global situation of COVID which no one saw coming and the impact it had? Or the impending crisis with the utilities etc because of “Putin” and his escapades in Ukraine?

Again this is why I asked noo noo why he blamed Cameron, as it was nick clegg who actually was the kingmaker , and if memory serves me right , he wanted to back labour but wasn’t brown being a twat over his demands that made the libs in the end go to the Tories ?

The fact is that shit happens, and it’s the decisions you make and the resilience that you have built up that determines whether you should be looked on favourably.

Not even the most radical left wing maniac would suggest Covid was Johnson’s fault. But his response to that crisis was leagues apart from Brown’s response to the Global Financial Crisis.

Brown acted swiftly and decisively, taking immediate action to prop up the banks and stabilise the financial sector (not everything he did I agreed with, but the the first rule of a crisis is don’t do nothing) The economy, after a decade of Labour Government, was healthy and could absorb the worst of the shocks that came.

Johnson missed five Cobra meetings finalising a fucking divorce and patching up things with Carrie. He then pissed about with his bullshit ‘go to work, don’t go to work’ messaging, opened up fasttrack, tenderless contracting to his mates, ignored his own rules, and largely got every single thing wrong over the next two years, before betting the farm on the vaccine programme.


Brown was also man who was credited with swaying the scottish independence vote, just when it look like Scotland was going to vote for independence!

He gave a great speach in the run up to the vote, nearly had me voting no!


So shit happens, we are in a financial crisis and new labour had the answers but the public wasn’t swayed by the answers from the man “who saved the world”.

But Nick Clegg had the power to choose who to put in power for the next 5 years , and stated he could have worked with labour , but not with brown …Browns arrogance stopped a lib /lab coalition, and made clegg go to Cameron.

What happened next we all know , but shit happens .

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I thought brown offered to resign, if it helped clegg work with labour?

No think it was the fact clegg wanted him to step down as prime minister and have someone else from labour become pm, brown refused and things went bad from there on

No you have got that wrong. Brown did offer to resign to get a deal with the Liberals but Clegg still went with Cameron as he always intended to.

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That’s not true mate.

Brown offered to resign as part of a deal with the Lib Dem’s.

Clegg was a fucking idiot, and deserved everything he got. Cameron ran rings round him, and that’s not something to be proud of.


I get that your statement carries a degree of jest to it but to do that would be very undemocratic, additionally, there has to be a viable alternative and unfortunately I don’t see one.
The World/UK is a very divided place at the moment and seems to be chasing its tail, we have had (still have) Covid, the two large European countries at War - resulting in a shortage of gas/oil/wheat - and so inflated prices and the commitment to provide Arms/Aid.
Elsewhere, we are seeing record high temperatures (across the continent) which again results in poor harvests and shortages of water to the point of drought being declared.
The world is in need of strong people to Govern and manage us all out of this situation, however, I struggle to think of anyone who is capable of this.
Coming full circle on your post. The Queen has seen most things during her reign, from the cold war to numerous recessions so HRH may actually be the best person to ask :+1:t2:.

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No, I absolutely and utterly cannot be specific about what Labour would be doing worse. That’s what is, what has been and what continues to be the point.

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