UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Thing is how do you define what’s right and wrong ? People should be allowed to say what they want and people should be able to respond to whatever is being discussed in an appropriate way.

The best example I saw of this was Mike Lynch dealing with Richard Madeley and burley & chief twat piers Morgan, they basically was trying to follow the narrative that they were given to try and portray him as a union baron and other things, but worse one was saying he would be responsible for deaths because of the strikes.

Most of us here saw through it, but sadly a lot of people follow the narrative that they are given by all media of what to think.

That exchange with Kay Burley when she was trying to suggest that the picketers would basically kick shit out of “scabs” if they crossed the line without ever saying it, shows their MO, but Lynch saw through it and handled it quite well I thought


Shit really, you mean it’s not just a binary black and white thing where everyone thinks the same? Thanks for clearing that up!

A lot of the comments display a fundamental ignorance about the Queen, her position, her influence, and her constitutional authority. Many “academics” revealing how prejudiced and/or how thick they are with their misplaced ire.

My honest opinion is that I don’t give a shit what he says to keep the public on his side. We desperately need to remove the Cancerous Tories. A means to an end.


I agree to an extent. But if you turn up to watch the Queen’s coffin passing with hundreds of those who have come to pay their respects, and decide this is the moment to insult the royal family or question the existence of the monarchy, you’re (knowingly) likely to provoke an angry response. That becomes a problem for the police given the potential for disturbance. But then that’s precisely why some are doing it. They want to create a scene, attract attention knowing either a disturbance will follow and/or they’ll be removed by the police and get to lay claims of living in a fascist state; either way they make news, their goal achieved.

Sad bastards.


Not proper academics? A harvard history professor? Right.

And I think that you (and it seems many little englanders) are too myopic to grasp that the death of QEII will inevitably draw the monarchy into the contested space around race, colonialism and empire and there will no longer be an exemption because the monarch was a dear old grandma.

Academics ought to exercise intellectual rigour. When they don’t, I’ll use the "s.

As for your second paragraph; there’s never been an exemption. Since even before Wilberforce.

On the other hand, the moment where power, wealth and privilege is transferred to a new monarch is the absolute perfect time to point out why this institution should be abolished.


Yes, true. But whilst her funeral cortege is passing? I don’t think so. The coronation would surely be more appropriate?


Let’s not lose sight of the fact that a kid was arrested for shouting a fairly tame insult at a sexual predator who’s skirted around the law due to his wealth and influence.

Was that the right time for protest? Absolutely.


I don’t actually think it was the right time at all, but I don’t like that he was arrested.


I saw a comment on the BBC from a school headmaster claiming that Queen represented equality and the idea that everyone can be different.

I mean, I understand people have gone a bit mad since Thursday, but that’s absolute batshit.

A period of mourning should not be a licence to make shit up and claim the Queen was some kind of benevolent deity.

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Alleged sexual predator.

Confirmed grieving son.

Maybe having lost a parent recently makes me empathise more than I otherwise would. I just feel that it was not appropriate.

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It’s only ‘alleged’ because of his wealth and status, which is exactly why it was the correct time to protest.

If we’re going to actually get into a debate about whether Andrew did wrong or not then that’s where I’m out, no point engaging in such disingenous nonsense.


Every time that disgusting leech on the public purse deigns to go out in public is the right time for protest. Let’s not forget the women in the coffin currently being beatified gave him £12m to pay off one of his victim.

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It’s wall to wall coverage for 10 fucking days. It’s inevitable that people will get sick of the party line being shoved down their throats after a while. Much of the criticism is very reasoned, respectful and away from the ‘cortege’ and it is crazy for a country to be expected to have 10 days of ‘mourning’ in the 21 century when completely tangental things like riding a bike (FFS) are ‘strongly discouraged’.

To be honest, I’ve been a little shocked by the strength of the pro-monarchy views on here. I’ve only lived in the UK for six years - as an Oirish kid in the 1980s and again with my wife in Cambridge - but I’ve always thought I really did like the country. However I fear for its future. The QEII thing really is bringing home that (even if you ignore Brexit) its people don’t seem ready to embrace the reforms they will need to survive the challenges of the 21 century.

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Let’s not forget that even his own family is trying to keep him out of the limelight.

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Just keeping the conversation lawful! I’m sure we’re actually on the same page.


The counter argument is always that you shouldn’t be free to shout “fire” or “gunman” in a packed indoor public venue. Freedom of speech unfortunately has to have limits. To your point, am I free to call you (for example) an Arsenal fan and are you then free to punch me? I could call you much worse for which I have no evidence? Personally I am a free speech absolutist as long as no harm is done. Should people have the right to protest against QE2 and the new king this week? In London? Absolutely yes. But as @Kopstar alluded, when that is going to cause serious public order issues, what would any of us have the police do? Allow it and possibly have a riot? Or silence a few knobs hell-bent on being on the TV and making a scene? This is a tricky one at a time of national unease and sadness. The needs of the many are more important than the needs of the few?

Interestingly, was talking to the police at Speakers’ Corner a few weeks ago. They only step in when punches are thrown (and they do). Wonder how this concept will play out this week and Monday.

Hopefully, if people want to protest and complain, they keep it to themselves till Tuesday. If for no other reason than simple human decency.


Do you have a link?