UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

I don’t really understand how you could be appalled at my plan to break up the queen into pieces and distribute them to the regions, and then in the next breath your talking about prostituting out your own kids.


I’m wondering to myself if I’d be ok with a monarchy if the heir to the thrown was always adopted :thinking:


Do you have someone in mind? A credible name?

Serious question for the Republicans here: I get that on principle you want to disband the Royal Family as it is not democratic.

So what do you propose instead? And who do you propose?

I’m ok with a Royal head of state, paying their taxes, and then letting the elected politicians come and go, over the years, to do their thing, for better or worse.

I doubt he was suggesting his child in particular but neither was he talking about prostituting anyone out.

Yes, we can’t all become royals in the UK with hard work. But my child and grandkids could be. Can’t say I’d encourage it. I bet absolutely no very attractive girls get let into clubs to meet very wealthy people and, shall we say, work hard? Use your talents, whatever they are. What’s the saying, sleeping to the top? One of the oldest professions. I’m not advocating it just suggesting that it’s possible and not entirely about birth. Bit late for me like

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Yes very sad. Another flawed genius. Our politicians however just seem to be flawed.


True. It’s also true that the benefits the queen provided as a non-political head of state were just as much as function of her as of her position and so wont necessarily be retained with succession. Neither Charles nor William will automatically carry her gravitas without the experience she gained and the personal good will she generated from other leaders.

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It’s not really possible though, is it.

Even when there is a huge fuss about a royal marrying a commoner, they are still always upper class.

Prince George isn’t marrying someone off a council estate.

Meghan Markle?


Not mine, you’ll note that from my original post so sorry, no points there.

Seemingly already been quoted back to you.

As I’m thinking about it, I’m not confident, at all, in the UK’s ability, and available band width given other issues that are much more pressing, to sensibly implement a good alternate to the Royal Family.

It’s a fair discussion to have, but what would the change be? And then if the new system was conceptually agreed, who would implement it?

Liz Truss?

Holy shitballs. Frying pan to fire stuff right there.

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Course it is, who marries footballers? Barristers? Brain surgeons? Or career mega lookers who trade on their best assets?

But then you actually want the queen slicing into pieces. You’ll never live that one down.

Tuesday. I’ll open the thread. Will be fun. Could be brief, some people can’t hold a semi-sensible discussion without going ad hominem.

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Sounding like naboo :grin:

Can I just say, I don’t really think Mascot wants the Queen slicing into pieces, and I don’t really think Klopptimist thinks the Royal Family is an open shop, such that the likes of anyone in here, for example, or our sons or daughters, could get in.

I see an unfruitful rabbit hole there, if we are going to stick to our guns on those positions.

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It might be, you’d still be a Royal had you pursued it and been succesful.

Who would be the head of the church in england if charles was dethroned?

I stand by the fact that a suitably motivated young ish person could inveigle themselves into the royal family. Stranger things have happened.

I’ll do it :slight_smile: Might be a few changes.

In a lottery winning sort of way, perhaps.

But as a system, if it was designed for what you are saying, it is failing abjectly.

And of course, that is because it is not designed for that. It is a closed shop.

Please let me know if someone you are related to, or someone you know, joins the Firm!

Why young ? Old Trollope face bagged herself queen consort title