UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

You judgmental republicans!

When itā€™s for The Queen itā€™s The Queue, is it? Brilliant :rofl:

Wherever Majā€™s vag went would become hauntedā€¦

Never really got that joke. If somebodies pussy was haunted, it would have nothing to do with its age, and more to do with someone suffering a traumatic death with its confines.

Itā€™s too soon for me to give voice to a theory I have about the Queenā€™s obvious decline following Philipā€™s death.

Although having just said that, I guess I kind of haveā€¦

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They got booed in Cardiff, but on TV it got doctored apparently.


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Looks like a Man City parade.

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Are you thinking of Dianaā€™s body guard scenario?

ill say one good angle about having a constitutional monarchy ( is that the right definition)

having someone born into power, as little as that power is, means they are trained from birth of the gravitas of that role.

we automatically assume its right that any joe blo could become a leader, maybe its not.

not for a second suggesting that we shouldnt have publicly elected officials running the place, i mean, thats what we haveā€¦but to havea person who doesnt need to scramble and claw, backstab and make under the table deals to rise to the position of power, isnt actually a negative.

i way i understand it, that if a family whose sole purpose is to govern in succession and is focussed solely on the task, and the history of the importance of leading with dignity (as your royal queen did)ā€¦i meanā€¦i understand it feels wrong that they own half the world or whateverā€¦but thats a family dynasty isnt it?..the actual legal responsibilty is a different matter.

in a nutshell, i suppose what the question is, if we ask ourselves honestlyā€¦would we rather have to choose between a few billionaires whose motivation is questionable, and who (in modern terms) could be corupted into using thier role to further garner wealth, or a bit of a pompous family who are trained from berth for the role and have so much fucking coin anyway its not worth thier time rorting the systemā€¦?

Andrew is still a prick and what happened there was wrong. plenty of politicians do pretty awful shite too.



Go a step further, who would actually want to be king? Yes you never have to worry about money. But you canā€™t go out, you canā€™t (or at least the queen never did) speak your mind (once or twice granted) and your whole life is literally stage managed. You are never going for a pint with your mates or going for a quiet meal at a cute little bistro. I would because I would do all those things and fuck it, but is that the best thing for the figurehead of the country? What lessons has KC learned from his mum? Rambling a bit here but the crown is metaphorically VERY heavy.

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And a couple of Youngerā€™s best?

If thatā€™s your perspective isnā€™t it intolerable cruelty to put anyone through that just for entertainment?
What kind of weird masochistic game is being played with these people?

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Aside from 2 specific events (Bond skydiving and paddington) I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever been entertained by the queen. As she wasnā€™t there the day we did a tour of Buc Pal, she didnā€™t entertain us then either.

Would you wish to be king?

Every England test-match, front row seats, champagne all day. There are perks you know.

they can abdicate.

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Not at all. It would be hellish. So why would I wish it on someone else?

Fascinating question. Unfortunately in the world today we have both. I appreciate the world needs leaders but in the vast majority every single one of the worlds leaders (there maybe the odd exception), but certainly some of those in ā€œmajorā€ countries / economies in the recent past / or present are simply in it for all the wrong reasons.

It seems we cant as a species shake off our greed and equally weirdly idolise leaders that have or have come from some really dodgy foundations.

It always goes back to the gun question. By definition a person who wants to own one shouldnā€™t have one. Same with politicians. If you want to be one, you shouldnā€™t be allowed.

Imagine a nationwide draw every 4 years of 100 people who govern aged 25-75. Even then, how do you pick the leader? Chance? Strength? Height? Shoe size?

This is essentially how the jury system in the courts works. Iā€™m sure that something similar happened in Ancient Greece but I canā€™t recall the specifics.

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Fundamentally for UK politics Iā€™d rather think it comes down to the FPP system. It creates opportunities for the likes of Johnson and now Truss to wreak havoc relatively unchallenged.

Parliament of all places should be balanced I think. People will argue for weak governments etc. but actually I think a good leader would thrive in that environment. Why? Because a good leader ultimately gets the decisions right and brings people with different opinions together. And there is good compromise.

Royalty? Not for me, but Iā€™m clearly in the minority so I have to grin and bear it. This last week / 10 days has clearly shown that the UK is a million miles away from breaking free of its past.

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The past of playing an active role in abolishing slavery
(as an example) ?

The monarch can do whatever they want to do, theyā€™ll just be endlessly criticised for it.

Itā€™s a shame that the next two Kings, Charles and William, are both cunts. Someone a little more progressive may have dragged that family kicking and screaming out of the 19th century.