UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

I think she’s still looking by the way.

I would like to know where she thinks the growth will come from. Not sure external investment will be flooding in given it’s been on the decline for some time, even well before Covid I believe.

Liz Truss is autistic?

I’d say so, as is Kwarteng.

I can see where you’re coming from with Truss. Might explain a few things. Can’t say I’ve noticed with Kwarteng though.

Damn, that IFS analysis is absolutely scathing. Basically says the UK is doing the government equivalent of blowing the mortgage payment on buying lottery tickets and hoping it works out. If their growth numbers are even solid but underwhelming versus the projected, and borrowing costs remain where they are right now, the UK will be back in a generational debt hole.

I guess we will see how the markets react to it with what happens to sterling tomorrow.

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So if I am reading this correctly, Truss wants to stimulate demand by giving the wealthy tax cuts who will then invest the money in creating new jobs and or expanding the economy.

Or B. The wealthy will sort away their taxpayer-derived wealth in an offshore bank account.

Answers on a postcard please


I think you are missing the best part that has the potential to take a chunk out of the pound - it will take a major increase in borrowing to fund those tax cuts.

It sort of looks like we are seeing the first right-wing version of Modern Monetary Theory.

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ASD doesn’t make you an arrogant prick


No but equally it doesn’t not make you an arrogant prick.

Does it make you partial to double negatives?

Possibly although you’d probably want a larger sample size…

Or alternatively invest in currency independent assets. If this is in the UK it will typically be property which they can then rent back to anyone that can still do productive work. Adam Smith would recognise it as classic landlordism.

It looks like the Tories know that the economy will collapse and they are grabbing as much assets as possible knowing that someone else will have to sort the mess out. And sorting that mess out will be long, hard and unpopular.

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Are you saying that Truss is purely there to burn the house down? Johnson was doing a great job if that, so why change? I get the feeling that while Truss’ policies appear to be heading in that direction, she actually believes them to be the right course of action.

The house is already well alight. Truss is there to remove as many assets as possible for the chosen few.

Asset strip! That’s a pretty ominous thought which suggests she’s been given direction from elsewhere.

That’s something I’ve been thinking has been happening for some time, certainly during Johnson’s time. Cameron to a degree as well.

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Given how far the NHS has been run-down, they won’t now bother selling off despite it being on the market throughout their time in charge. Dreadful salesmen these MPs.

When a building is on fire, ideally you remove the things that are on fire thus saving the building. I suspect Truss (so ironic) will watch the roof cave in in the inferno as she has no clue how to prevent it. Absolutely no question she’s just a puppet. “Do this this and this and you can be PM”

Hell hath no fury like a Corbynite scorned.

Can’t always do that and it’s often quicker to just throw the microwave out the door.

Some interesting statistics here:

It begs the question: do respondents just tell pollsters what they want to hear? What other possible explanation can there be for a country that appears to be ostensibly progressive voting in the Tories all the bloody time?

Well, apart from our anachronistic FPTP voting system…

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Every time there’s some Yes Minister:

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