UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

It might be that people with these views are less likely to vote? We hear every election how the new young voters can make the difference as they’re more likely to vote Labour, but then they just don’t bother turning whereas the older conservative voters have much more respect for the history behind the right to vote and so will turn out more often.

Just spitballing here, I’m sure there are lots of factors.

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Many people are naturally conservative. They are resistant to change and new ideas but after they come into contact with new things they tend to be happy, or at least tolerant of it.

When there are surveys into whether there is too much immigration and so on most of the responses saying there is too much tends to be from areas where there is very little.

In terms of the voting system, yes, the FPTP system favours those that can game the system.


So the fracking ban has now been lifted.

Clearly nothing to do with energy bills, energy security etc.

On that very subject:


I’ve not got time to google it but what are the chances that these two run a brine extraction business?

“One is the vast amount of warm, non-potable brine underneath large parts of the country – an energy source we have been evaluating for potential future ventures. From Northern Ireland to the Wessex basin to the east Midlands, these saline brines sit in permeable sandstone formations at temperatures of 60-80C. “Doublet” wells would allow temporary extraction of this warm water to heat greenhouses or other industry, which would then be returned back to the formation.”

The lifting of the fracking moratorium has highlighted, yet again, why I hate Jacob Rees-Mogg more than perhaps anyone else in the entire world.

His asserts that communities must accept more risk and disruption in the national interest. It’s very easy to tell others they must bear more risk. This vile cunt won’t be accepting any, nor will he be pushing it on his voters.

There are studies that show that if children don’t receive attention and affection from their parents at an early age, the neurons and synapses that facilitate compassion and empathy never develop. I’ve only ever seen these studies used to chastise working class mums into getting off their phones and paying attention to their kids, but it’s also something for the upper classes to bear in mind too.


You read some strange studies. Every parent should get off their phone and be a bloody parent. Makes my blood boil to see kids on iPads and parents on phones out and about / restaurants etc. Cards, board games, puzzles, word games, songs, stories, FUCKING INTERACTION!!!

I’m starting to turn into @cynicaloldgit


Think we should have another 10 days of mourning :joy:

Damn, relegation to follow?

I think this is what happens to an internet football forum when there’s no bloody football.


We now have up to date data, which indicates that there are now more people who identify as Catholics than Protestants in Northern Ireland.


How am I agreeing with you once again???

Seriously though, I’m wondering how much this affects development of children. I’m willing to wager quite significantly.

You’ve a long way to go yet, my Padawan learner.


those who see themselves as British only has fallen 8% since 2011 while those who see themselves as Irish only has risen by 4%.Northern Irish only has also dropped by 1%.

Big changes in a decade but not yet ready for a vote.

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Agree, I think there’s a natural direction of travel though and, imo, it will be more to do with how people identify culturally rather than religiously that will be the main driver, even if religious affiliation is partially indicative.

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