UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Let’s say mid high school.

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Excellent, masses of red tape and everything being banned.



Jacob Rees-Mogg


Pretty alarming stuff, and it will be interesting to see how he is viewed in future years.

Stop trying to confuse me, what the fuck is high school?
Where do you live to have high schools in your area?
It’s like in France at college you start in 6th form and finish in terminal (that’s about right actually) it’s all done to fuck with my head. :crazy_face:

Fuck it just answer the question!

From today’s Telegraph:

Opposition to fracking in the UK has been funded by the Putin regime, Jacob Rees-Mogg claimed on Thursday, as he faced backlash from his own party for lifting a three-year moratorium on shale gas extraction.
The Business Secretary accused those who oppose fracking of “hysteria” and “ludditery” and announced drilling will recommence in the “national interest,” even if it risked causing earthquakes.

Spot the irony.


I blame the lack of political leadership. If we had proper political leadership since last September, unlike under the current regime, we’d have no such thing.

Oh wait.

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There’s no irony here, it’s straight out of the gaslighting playbook.

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Considering Putin supporting russian “businessmen” have pumped millions into the Tory party over the years…it’s almost as if JRM is attempting a stand up comedy routine.

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When looking at news coming out of the UK these days, I don’t know anymore if I should


Following on from yesterday I’m just about convinced the Tories are setting up to lose the next election and make it an absolute shit show for a Labour government to fix.

I hope there’s a special place in hell for politicians that think like this.


If the Labour party have any sense the first thing they will fix is the constitution to prevent anything remotely like the Tories (whether from the left or right) from getting a sniff of power again.

I noticed that Gordon Brown made a speech regarding constitutional reform yesterday but I suspect this is aimed at Scotland rather than the UK as a whole.

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So Moggy is selling Somerset Investment Capital.

Any coincidence that it happens 2 years out from an election?

There is, it’s called parliament